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What Fuel Do You Use?

What Fuel do you use?  

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have been reading some of the topics here about fuel so I thought I would ask a question. when you say you have had your car tuned to run on 98 fuel whos is it that tunes to this, as I have been to my local ford dealer and he has put the laptop computer on to the car and there is no fuel option. as when I run 98 the ute idles up and down, and tacho goes to red line before going into limp mode. so I am trying to find out why other xr owners can run this fuel when I cant. somebody mentioned that you can disconnect the battery to start with the new fuel.

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hey everyone I am a newbie to the whole XR6 Turbo range so I applogise for any newbiness which this topic may encounter.

I am currently 17 and as we know fuel prices can be a bit hefty at times for a young lad as myself, so looking at the premium unleaded and high octane unleaded prices make me "gulp" a bit compared to the prices of original unleaded fuel or better known as the "2000" series.

my question is simple and basic. what is the best fuel to use in a XR6T?

I am highly dedicated to keeping my vehicle in the best condition I can and also always ensure I only use the "good stuff" such as oils, lubes etc to keep my car running smoothly but also gives it room to perform when I plant the accelerator.

So is there a huge difference between using normal unleaded compared to premium unleaded? and is the whole using premium unleaded will give u more fuel economy and better performance true? im just curious to know that's all.

cheers and apologies to the newbiness again!

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I try to use the BP ultimate.. but if I cant I will go for the caltex vortex 98. a while a go on today tonite.. they did a survey and found out u wud fill up more with the lower octain fuel and less with the 98 stuff and over a year. it works out to be only a $5-10 diff. so it may look hard paying for it up front but in the long run its about the same.

Edited by typhoon_freak
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Not another one of these threads.... About the 10th in the last 12 months...

I use what ever is closests tbh now that shell 100 is gone they are all the same. But yes you should only use premium, it is worth the extra few $$ per tank.

Edited by Wingnut
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I only use 95ron premium Shell fuel. That's all I can get where I live.

But to answer your question, you should use the highest octane rated premium fuel you can get your hands on.

At 17 mate, good luck either way.

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