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Fuel Savers


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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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  • Location: In the Ferry on the River Styx, not getting out just yet!

Folded under the pressure huh?? :fool:

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Sorry guy's for the delay in getting back to you.

I wanted to run the tank down to the fuel light before the refill.

Generally around town and driving to work (open road 34k round trip) I get between 11.8-12.8 lt/100. This is accurate as I keep records being a lease vehicle.

The first tank fill was yesterday and 57 lts for 493 klms, this equates to 11.56lt/100.

So no great saving to be seen. Also Vaporate said I would see better economy if I was to use std ULP due to its density being higher instead of Optimax that I have always used. Maybe after a few more tanks I might try that.

Had a trip to Melbourne and back yeasterday but haven't filled up yet. For the first time ever the dash readout showed 9.6lt/100 when I arrived in Melb. Usually at best indicated 10.2. So here's hoping.


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  • Member For: 19y 10m 10d
Sorry guy's for the delay in getting back to you.

I wanted to run the tank down to the fuel light before the refill.

Generally around town and driving to work (open road 34k round trip) I get between 11.8-12.8 lt/100.  This is accurate as I keep records being a lease vehicle.

The first tank fill was yesterday and 57 lts for 493 klms, this equates to 11.56lt/100.

So no great saving to be seen.  Also Vaporate said I would see better economy if I was to use std ULP due to its density being higher instead of Optimax that I have always used.  Maybe after a few more tanks I might try that.

Had a trip to Melbourne and back yeasterday but haven't filled up yet.  For the first time ever the dash readout showed 9.6lt/100 when I arrived in Melb.  Usually at best indicated 10.2.  So here's hoping.



Thanks for the update Colin. Look forward to your next infomercial.


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How about a Dyno run mate, some of us don't worry to much about fuel prices (I only drive 18km a day) so any power gain with the Vaporate?

I see a power gain and Im off to the show to buy a Vaporate kit.

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 13d
  • Location: Melbourne
Sorry guy's for the delay in getting back to you.

I wanted to run the tank down to the fuel light before the refill.

Generally around town and driving to work (open road 34k round trip) I get between 11.8-12.8 lt/100.  This is accurate as I keep records being a lease vehicle.

The first tank fill was yesterday and 57 lts for 493 klms, this equates to 11.56lt/100.

So no great saving to be seen.  Also Vaporate said I would see better economy if I was to use std ULP due to its density being higher instead of Optimax that I have always used.  Maybe after a few more tanks I might try that.

Had a trip to Melbourne and back yeasterday but haven't filled up yet.  For the first time ever the dash readout showed 9.6lt/100 when I arrived in Melb.  Usually at best indicated 10.2.  So here's hoping.


you get better results than that from a custom tuned edit :spoton: and a sh1t load more power too :drool:

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I asked Vaporate as to what type of petrol to they suggest, ULP or PULP. I have only ever used PULP. The suggestion from Vaporate was that I would see greater improvement using ULP because of the different density of the fuel there is more room for improvment in the combustion with ULP.

This may explain why I am not seeing a big improvment in economy as I am already running the best fuel. They suggested I change to ULP and compare the results.

I'll see what happens over the next couple of months, after all there is the 100% money back garauntee with the product. Then this refund could go towards the edit.

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