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A Good Time To Buy

Guest hank

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Guest hank
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Well Mahoy, you were absolutely right. I didn't get the car for the price I thought I would. However, tonight, I'm the extremely proud purchaser of a brand spanking new XR6T!!!! (applause all round).

No, the car I have just bought is NOT a demo sale, it has NO k's on it, and what's more, it's NOT even built yet. My car hops onto the line mid September for an end of the month delivery. Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong.

I have bought a Vixen, Auto T, with 18" wheels and a luxury pack which includes leather seats (better quality apparently than the "leather" option), climate controlled dual zone a/c, and premium sound. So, with a dealer price of:

XRT6 - $46,350

18" alloys - $1,500

Spare alloy - $360

Luxury Pack - $4,595

Totals - $52,805 + ORC/delv etc.

How much did I sign for? Well, for all the people who said the price was wrong, I got it for.... Wait for it.......:

$43,865. Yup, including all the options above, I signed the order form tonight for less than 44 grand. That's a saving of nearly $9,000.

On the road, I'm paying $48,230, instead of $57,770.

But wait, there's more: The deal also includes a 5 year/100,000k factory warranty thrown in for no extra charge. Yup, as part of this runout deal, they give you free of charge, a 5 year warranty. That's a ford factory warranty, not a 3 year with two years with someone else.

Hang on, there's more.... The deal includes an alloy spare. The dude thinks it's a 17" as he says you can't fit an 18 in the spare bay. If that's the case, he will knock off nearly $1,000 and I'll go with the steel spare. That's because the car without the alloy spare falls under the 5% stamp duty, so will remove about 360 for the spare, plus about $500 in s/d.

Does anyone know if a spare 18" will fit in the spare bay?

Sorry to sound like a tool (or a w*nker), but I'm so happy to be getting my a$$ into a T finally. AND, this deal is NOT just a deal for me, it's a REAL deal that ANYONE can take advantage of. I consider myself a reasonable negotiator, but there's no way I could bargain $9k off the price.

Mahoy, anyone else fence sitting, talk to your dealer - and don't take no for an answer!!!! Mahoy, email me offline at gmaudsley@iinet.net and I'll give you the contact details of the dealer who signed me up.

And do I still think this will effect resale value? Not a bit. This deal is a short time deal, and the prices will be back up for the new model. It is good for me though, 'cause when I sell it in two or three years, it will still have two or three years factory warranty to go with it.

Now, to salivate over the XR6T brochure for the next month. Turbo. Mmmmmm...

Cheers all,

.... nearly an xr6 turbo owner ....

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Turbos can't be bought for $38,000 brand new at Retail Pricing...

Try $43,000 drive away.

Theres $5,000 bonus on XR6 NA and Turbo and $4,000 on XR8.

Fairmont Ghia / Fairlane / LTD get $6,000 Discount, Territories get $4000 plus $1000 free accessories.

If I was going to buy any Runout Falcon at the moment it would be a Typhoon for low 50's, now that's a cheap car! :laughing:

As for your spare 18 inch alloy, yes it will fit, I have a factory 18 spare myself, even the 19 inch fit! :laughing:

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On the road, I'm paying $48,230, instead of $57,770.

Sounds like a fantastic deal hank, well done and congrats. :spoton:

Agreed, well done.

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  • T.P.I.S.
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Good job mate.

I have the 5 year warranty too but the deal is that its only for you, the first buyer, so if you sell your car the person who bought it does not get it.

Have fun. :spoton:

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Does anyone know if a spare 18" will fit in the spare bay?

Yes I have one in there atm! Your dealer was speaking :spoton: And it still has heaps of room!

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Guest kurve67
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with no haggle, I was quoted $45600 on the road for a new auto T with luxury pack yesterday (victoria).

this implies $41000 on the road with no options.

this has a fleet discount built in but basically anyone should be able to negotiate this with a bit of effort, especially during runout.

and I haven't started haggling yet.

and despite what your local dealer will tell you, I'm not so sure that the BF XR6T will be that much more expensive than the sticker price of the BAII. sales of big cars are going through the floor here but volumes need to stay high to justify the investment. it would not surprise me to see the same sticker price on the new BF, or the price parity maintained with free options (eg increase the sticker price by 2500 but you get the 6 speed auto and premium sound at no extra cost).

car companies do the same to maintain volumes when exchange rates go against them - they maintain the sticker price and just vary the equipment level.

just a thought.

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