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Enough Is Enough


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  • Member For: 20y 14d
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The notion that the worlds oil supply is running out is not exactly true. There are massive oil reserves in Canada, the problem is extraction and refinement of it. Current technologies do not allow oil companies to cheaply do this.

That aside, our current KNOWN oil reserves from the Mid East alone, is only nearing it's peak.

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  • Member For: 19y 7m 24d
  • Location: Canberra
It has been calculated that if everyone in australia did not purchase a drop of petrol for one day and all at the same time, the oil companies would choke on their stockpiles.


One day would make no difference at all. One week may get them to reduce production but eventually everyone needs to get some fuel to keep driving so that supposed $4.6 billion they lose in one day would be made up when the motoring population caves in and fills up.

In any case don't just blame the oil companies. You can also point the finger at:

China - their oil consumption has increased dramatically in the last few years creating a global shortage.

USA - they have always consumed massive quantities of oil.

Australian Government - for taking around 50c for every litre of fuel we buy.

As markxr6t said, oil is running out anyway, let's enjoy it while we can.

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To stop the job losses in AU manufacturers of cars I think that anyone who owns an australian made car should get 25c a litre off their petrol.

This would reduce the amount of people buying foriegn small cars because of petrol savings. That would keep jobs and lots of money in the economy which would probably claw back the lost tax anyhow.


I like your thinking ... better still, let's bring back HIGH taxes on imported vehicles to make the Aussie ones more competitive. Our manufacturing base onshore will expand giving lower production costs and future jobs for our kids.

Australia has lost so much manufacturing industry because tariffs have been dropped. Overseas countries are getting richer at our expense. Profits are running out the door and jobs for our kids are right behind.

If the current trend continues we will have NO industry left and then, without any competition they (the overseas conglomerates) will be able to set any damn price they want and we will just have to pay it.

To illustate my point just check out our balance of payment deficit now compared to the 1960s. In less than 50 years, successive Australian govts. (of both sides) have totally destroyed our economy. We have gone from being self-sufficient and "in the black", to totally dependent on imports and billions "in the red".

Crikey, who started me off??? Where's my damn pills???

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  • Flaccid Member
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Hmm. Don't like the idea of tarrifs, I'll "Buy Australian" when the Australian product is as good as or better than the import for the same price.

LPG and / or other fuel products will become viable if the oil price gets to high, recent reforms to the Uranium mining act are steps in the right direction, Australia could export energy.

Oil will never completely "run out" as the price increases, deposits (currently uneconomic) become reserves (can be extracted economically) shale oil can be extracted, we even have such deposits in NSW.

The oil producing companies are walking a fine line, if the price hikes too much, manufacturers will "convert" to other methods of power and once that happens, there will be no going back.

Bring it on I say, let the middle eastern countries squeeze till we start using alternatives, then their oil will be worth $10 a barrel and they can go back to living in tents and throwing sand at each other.

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  • Member For: 20y 2m 28d
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Most people blame 'high' prices on the oil companies. WRONG.

You know who makes the most profit out of petrol?


For every 70 litre tank (~$80) you're paying $35 in TAX! (at ~$1.20/l)

In actual fact, it only costs about $45 to fill a 70 litre tank for the petrol.

(That's not so bad, is it?)

The grubby politicians then whack 38 cents a litre excise on.

THEN comes the kicker - they add 10% to the total as GST!

How's that - a tax on a tax. Love ya work, Johnny.

So next time all the clever dicks go and vote Liberal and Labor at the next election, they'll be sealing us in to another couple of years worth of double-tax.

The Greens love the taxes, if they had their way we'd all be riding down the quarter-mile, and cars would all be put in the crusher.

So for God's sake, remember how p1ssed off you are when it comes time to vote.

Every Independant or 'minor party' person that gets in is one more chance to rock the boat of the comfy Liberal/Labor pollies. They don't care about fuel prices, they usually get theirs paid for... BY US!

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  • Member For: 20y 1m 22d
  • Location: Mexico
Most people blame 'high' prices on the oil companies. WRONG.

You know who makes the most profit out of petrol?


For every 70 litre tank (~$80) you're paying $35 in TAX! (at ~$1.20/l)

In actual fact, it only costs about $45 to fill a 70 litre tank for the petrol.

(That's not so bad, is it?)

The grubby politicians then whack 38 cents a litre excise on.

THEN comes the kicker - they add 10% to the total as GST!

How's that - a tax on a tax. Love ya work, Johnny.

So next time all the clever dicks go and vote Liberal and Labor at the next election, they'll be sealing us in to another couple of years worth of double-tax.

The Greens love the taxes, if they had their way we'd all be riding down the quarter-mile, and cars would all be put in the crusher.

So for God's sake, remember how p1ssed off you are when it comes time to vote.

Every Independant or 'minor party' person that gets in is one more chance to rock the boat of the comfy Liberal/Labor pollies. They don't care about fuel prices, they usually get theirs paid for... BY US!


Mmmm, I dont disagree with your comments about taxes. The rest of your post appears to stem from some other motivation!

It is interesting to watch the price of oil rise sharply when ever there is conflict, or should we say an excuse for OPEC to adjust the price. Regarless of what war is going on in the world, oil production levels are being maintained.


I believe that the high oil price is false, set be major oil companies and OPEC to take advantage of global events. When it hits $100, the market will crash (major world recession) due to significant drop in demand then it will come back to $30. :spoton:

Good link here might be worth a read - http://www.wtrg.com/prices.htm

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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142.6c/L for Vortex 98 this morning......... :laughing:  :stirthepot:

You have got to be f*cking kidding me! :spoton::fool:

Something SERIOUSLY wrong here :kissmy:

Lumpy :nono:

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