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G-tech Pro Meter


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Hey all!!

I am thinking of buying a G-tech pro performance meter and before buying one I thought I would first get some advise from the people on this site.

I have heard alot about this product but before buyin it I wanna be sure that its worth the effort.

juz want some comments about this product from people who have already used it.

I am thinking of buyin either the g-tech pro SS or RR and any comments or advise is greatly appreciated.

here is a link to their site



muzza :spoton:

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Hey all!!

I am thinking of buying a G-tech pro performance meter and before buying one I thought I would first get some advise from the people on this site.

I have heard alot about this product but before buyin it I wanna be sure that its worth the effort.

juz want some comments about this product from people who have already used it.

I am thinking of buyin either the g-tech pro SS or RR and any comments or advise is greatly appreciated.

here is a link to their site



muzza :spoton:


I have the SS, they are great for getting an idea of how the latest mod has helped and training yourself for launches, when to change gear etc.

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Hi, I have had the the standed one for allmost ten years, and the pro for allmost 2 years, I find being able to put a lot of run on my computer, and compare them very handy, you can find dips in your power and good to compare starts back to back as well. it still gets upset by up or down hill roads, but when you find a level road, it is spoton. I find it reads mph high , but is consistently high (3mph) it is good to find out when is best to change gears also. and you can run your mates car on it to and put his wieght in and compare with yours,


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sorry to jump in on the thread but I have a question... I have sixrt's getch (the normal $70 jobbie of ebay) and dont know how to use it...

what do you do to set it up... I know I have to have it level but how do I get it to work??.. am asking as I dont have the instructions... I just have the gtech I borrowed but have never used one b4.


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got a SS pro comp and love it.

Its a lot of fun, would have liked to get the RR but thought the hand brake would kill me to spend the extra, then she told me off for not getting the best. I can't win.

try ebay there cheap there.

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sorry to jump in on the thread but I have a question... I have sixrt's getch (the normal $70 jobbie of ebay) and dont know how to use it...

what do you do to set it up... I know I have to have it level but how do I get it to work??.. am asking as I dont have the instructions... I just have the gtech I borrowed but have never used one b4.



the cheap one can be used straight away if you only want time and mph, just stick it to your wind screen, plug into the lighter socket,it will flash acc then gforse I think, anyway press button when it flashes acc , and level it untill it reads 0 or +or - 1, you might have to pull it back off a couple of times while doing this, I found to make it a bit more acurate, I slip a bit of paper under the metal strips at the bottem,to take out the slack, but when finished it must be reading level. find level and straight road, then stop press button again, and it should say go. it does not start untill you take off, then it will flash 0-100 as you pass it, then when finished it will flash Quarter time then mph, it has been a while since I used the cheap one but this info should be right.


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sorry to jump in on the thread but I have a question... I have sixrt's getch (the normal $70 jobbie of ebay) and dont know how to use it...

what do you do to set it up... I know I have to have it level but how do I get it to work??.. am asking as I dont have the instructions... I just have the gtech I borrowed but have never used one b4.


the cheap one can be used straight away if you only want time and mph, just stick it to your wind screen, plug into the lighter socket,it will flash acc then gforse I think, anyway press button when it flashes acc , and level it untill it reads 0 or +or - 1, you might have to pull it back off a couple of times while doing this, I found to make it a bit more acurate, I slip a bit of paper under the metal strips at the bottem,to take out the slack, but when finished it must be reading level. find level and straight road, then stop press button again, and it should say go. it does not start untill you take off, then it will flash 0-100 as you pass it, then when finished it will flash Quarter time then mph, it has been a while since I used the cheap one but this info should be right.


thanks :laughing: will go try this out :spoton:

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sorry to jump in on the thread but I have a question... I have sixrt's getch (the normal $70 jobbie of ebay) and dont know how to use it...

what do you do to set it up... I know I have to have it level but how do I get it to work??.. am asking as I dont have the instructions... I just have the gtech I borrowed but have never used one b4.



No prob Jetute,

1- slide switch to either centre or far left to turn on.

2- It will flash Accl & GFrc, push button when the one you want is displayed.(most likely Acceleration)

3-then choose either far left for horsepower or centre position for timing.

4-If you chose GFce, then far left is for continuous G's and centre is for instant G readings.

5-make sure it's level by reading 0.0 G's

6- Press Button and it will display GO

7-It will then start timing when you start accelerating

8- It will blink a time when you reach 60mph.

9- Either brake to a halt to get that reading displayed or keep going until it displays 1/4 mile time & speed.

I tried to make it as simple as I could, hope this helps

BTW, 10- Keep eyes open for boys in blue. :laughing:


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