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vibe ute

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been riding since I was about 7.. currently riding a Honda CR500. with 2G spent on the motor, its safe to say its a roost machine!!


Mate those things are weapons as they are. Love to know how you hang on to the thing with 2g spent on the motor. Must have fn big forearms.

What's been done to the motor?

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Oh fark where do I start with over 30 years of rideing that makes me an old fart.

Reverse order the ones I can remember.

BMW K100 RS Yamaha TT 600 Still have these

Kwasaki TS 250

Yamaha Xv 1000

Yamaha Xt 600

Suziki DR 460

Yamaha XT 550 x 2

Yamaha Xt 500

Honda XLs 500X2

Honda Xls 250x2

Pe 185


Honda 125

Honda 90

Suziki 50 step through

There were a couple more but cant recall what they were, One was a Bultaco?, had the gear leaver and brakes on the wrong side..

Have had the Bmw up to 260 klms on a run up the coast :thumbsup: , to fast for me.. I was trying to keep up with one of the guys that work for me. He was on a 04 626 ninja that has had a couple of mods, He was chipped by the service guy the other day when they did the service, When they pluged it into the computer it came out that he had a top speed of 302 Klms .. Fark not for this little black duck, be like a bug on the windscreen.. Has since lost his licence for speeding, still got to go to court,, 123Klm in an 80 zone,, Will lose his job also as he drives for me all the time , no licence no job is the rule here,, I got him on a good behaviour licence only 10 months ago after he lost 19 points in 2 weeks, cost him thousands now it looks like he will get free home and board for a while.. He is 34 so should know better.

I am trying to talk the handbrake into letting me get a new bike at the moment but she is not budging at the moment.. We will see .. :thumbsup:


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What took you so long bugster!!

Trick looking bike to mate :nono:

looking at that front hoop it looks like it may spend some time elevated! :nono:

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What took you so long bugster!!

Trick looking bike to mate :glad:

looking at that front hoop it looks like it may spend some time elevated!  :nono:

Been a bit slack and only just saw this thread. :nono:

Thanks for the comment re the bike too, it's my other pride and joy. But actually, I can't say it does spend time with its front wheel in the air, I prefer to get my jollies on a twisty road somewhere... :glad:

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My bike is alot like me..........its big, fat, loud and cruises along at a steady pace........Its a Kawasaki Vulcan 1500Fi.

Sold my last dirtbike almost 12 months ago...It was a 97 Yamaha TT600 Belgarda.......awsome enduro bike for a big guy like me.......but it was always throwing me into the bush!

I'll stick to my road barge for now!

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just dirt bikes for me, as im a loose unit on the road.

current rides

04 gas gas 450 fse (fuel injected enduro)

04 gas gas 250 2 smoke. (soon to be sold)

I have a few others that I have for some mates to ride xr400 and a kdx200.

past rides have been

cr500's (92 rwhp) built it do the finke

wr 500 just as fast as the cr but 10 times the viabrations and 1/2 the handling

every thing else from xr75 to full works yz250.

the older I get the smoother I become (have to no choice), I still take some young wipper snappers out and flog the sh*t out of them every now and then. You should see the look on ther face when you pull one handed a 6th gear wheelie and slap em on the helmet on the way past or bust a 80 foot ramp, cracks me up every time.

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