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Ba Faults And What You Can Do About Them


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  • Cruise Whore
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I just wanted to alert you to some faults that I've encountered with my BA MkI XR6 over the 11 months since I've had it. Thought it might help others.

Head light lamps keep need replacing (twice now - left and right). I've been told its because the globes are not that high in quality.

Air conditioner flooded the interior floor on both drivers and passenger sides just like Niagra falls. The car stunk for ages as the carpet dried out after I got it fixed by Ford Service. Ford said it was a common problem and that some tube gets blocked with leaves etc. They said they cleared the tube. But I don't park the car under any trees or bushes.

Rear left passenger door rubber kept coming off, sometimes dangling down from the car after I'd closed the door. It's like, it was never glued on. I think Ford glued it on after I complained about it.

The rear seat plastic panel behind the drivers seat came off. It just fell off one day. Might have had something to do with the little'uns kicking the sh*t out of it during one of their tantrums, but nevertheless... Ford must have put new clips or something on it to keep it stuck on.

Drivers side auto down window does not auto down. Instead, it grabs and gets stuck part way down. I end up pushing the down button repeatedly to have to get it down. Annoys the sh*t out of me, especially on cold mornings when I have to have the window down to see out the frosted glass. I'm going to take it to Ford Service to get it fixed next service.

The perenial front brakes need machining otherwise it feels like I'm at the gym with one of those vibrating things around my belly except I'm holding the belt in my hands... I read in The Sun that Ford have a new brake pad compound now, so next time I go for a service because of brake shudder (twice so far now), I'm going to ask for the new brake pads.

My rear right tyre makes a clicking noise. Not sure why, but I've grown to live with it now.

Rubber sealent around left indicator light (on the left panel) lets in moisture, so it permantly looks like one of the glass snow ball scenes with drops of moisture inside it. Not too worried about it, so long as the indicator still works.

I've had a Toyota and still have an Audi, and they've been relatively trouble free. But, I still love the XR6 because it has the power and the looks. It is so cool in Blueprint that when I park it at work, I'm always looking over my shoulder at it from a 10 o'clock angle whilst walking away from it because it looks so agressive on its wide haunches.

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After all most 100,000 km's we have not had any of these so called common problems.


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None of that for me either.

Plenty of other problems though, all fixed by my dealer.

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Hey there Evildaifu (?)

I had the airconditioner prob in the first few weeks, and yeah I agree, the smell was :sick: . Was no prob to dealer they gave me a runaround albiet a fiesta.. :spit:

they fixed the airconditioner and cleaned all the carpets. (not an uncommon problem by all accounts)

only outstanding issue is The Sub -- :spoton: .. but it is not forgotton by ford.

Have had a good run.. but more importantly my dealership ROCKS, great bunch of people,

probably because a FEMALE runs the service department!! :spit:

SUGGESTION : Put frown on face ... go to dealership .. have a major tantrum .. take all the kids when they are tired and hungry to add to the atmosphere!


Good Luck


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Ive been pretty lucky too...

Ive realy only had a few coolant leaks ( Fixed pretty much straight away ) No problems since..

And a bit of engine issue's which the flash has fixed....

*Touch Wood* Hopefuly it will stay trouble free..


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My rear right tyre makes a clicking noise.  Not sure why, but I've grown to live with it now.


I might be stating the obvious but have you checked the tyre for stones stuck in the grooves or worse still a nail or screw.

I too have a good perve at my T when walking away not to mention it's reflection in shop windows.


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  • Benzene
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With the 2 Ba's I've owned over the last 18 months these are the problems I've had.

o2 sensors..........replaced

2 diff's...........replaced

an engine....replaced


roll over noise(6sp)..........dealing with it

diff clunk in both..........dealt with it

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I am also experiencing a problem with my xr6t. I have noticed that the car wants to stall when I push the clutch to change gears, the revs drop very quickly to about 250-300 rpm, the car shudders and then the revs increase and decrease again until they even out to a normal idle.

As this is an intermittent problem it has been hard to get anyone is to experience it. Took the car to get serviced today by ford. All they found was a recall about poor fuel (quality?).

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I am also experiencing a problem with my xr6t. I have noticed that the car wants to stall when I push the clutch to change gears, the revs drop very quickly to about 250-300 rpm, the car shudders and then the revs increase and decrease again until they even out to a normal idle.

As this is an intermittent problem it has been hard to get anyone is to experience it. Took the car to get serviced today by ford. All they found was a recall about poor fuel (quality?).

You have the stalling issue, either a reflash or faulty sensor will fix it.

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Guest schhhtodd
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SUGGESTION : Put frown on face ... go to dealership .. have a major tantrum .. take all the kids when they are tired and hungry to add to the atmosphere!


Good Luck



my mate did that so his car would pass greenslip, took his 3 neices, said they ended up all crying from some game they were playing and it was the 1st time he ever passed 1st go
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