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Income Tax


Is a flat rate the most equitable?  

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Very good Brian.


I agree. :k24t: ... very interesting post. :laughing:


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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Disagree Zap on GST.

I've advocated that tax since my Uni days in the 70's, since ecomonically it makes sense, although a pain to collect, and a good adjunct to personal tax. The crazy sales taxes at varous levels that we had for many many years in this country made no sense whatsoever. The GST gives a far wider base for collection, brings us more into line with the rest of the world, and allows us to bring down personal rates. You just can't rely on income tax. That's why I advocate an increase in GST rates and lower income tax. The fact is that you have to spend money to live, and GST gets you that way (sounds sinister) but that's the intent.

Actually Howard did not go far enough, he knows it, and that was because of the electoral sensitivity to its introduction.


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  • Sucker
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Actually Howard did not go far enough, he knows it, and that was because of the electoral sensitivity to its introduction.



I couldn’t agree more with everything else that you have posted bcl but just to take this comment further, it was the arrogance of every other political party except for the Liberals that gave us the mismatched GST system that we now have.

Initially it was supposed to be across the board, but then after the “birthday cake scandal” quite a lot of products were deemed GST free. If the original plan proceeded then they would have been able to abolish several other taxes immediately instead of all the little bits and pieces of taxation that we still have.


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  • Flaccid Member
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I agree 100% with everything in this thread, except for that commie lumpy.

I say if you can't afford to have kids, don't have 'em! Why should I pay some slag to lay on her back? If I wanted to do that, I'd go see a hooker, at least then I'd get some enjoyment. Instead I sponsor these bints to pop offspring out left right and centre treating it as a career. Saw one multiple offender scrag on tellie say "But we're bring'n up tomorrows Austalians..." It was a chilling thought.

I have no problems paying taxes and supporting the elderly, infirm and those who are unfortunate enough to be currently unemployed, but when people start thinking welfare is a right, that's when the Brazilian death squads need to visit our fair shores.

No work in Byron Bay? Well, Fuggin move! I've had to move all over this great land of ours to remain employed and I've worked and lived in some right sh1tholes doing it. Yep, I earn big $$ but if you compare that to the hours I work they aren't that big anymore.

Harder I work, the more money goes in tax It IS a disencentive.

Feel that the current walfare system is demeaning? Well get off your arse, get a job and get over it, it's supposed to be. Hell if I had my way, you'd get foodstamps, bus tickets and a big yellow card with UNEMPLOYED written on it that you have to wear on your shirt by law.

Even then, we'd STILL have a softer system the majority of the rest of the world!

Viva la Brian!

When are you standing for election?

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  • loitering with intent
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Feel that the current walfare system is demeaning? Well get off your arse, get a job and get over it, it's supposed to be. Hell if I had my way, you'd get foodstamps, bus tickets and a big yellow card with UNEMPLOYED written on it that you have to wear on your shirt by law.



Good Idea though , no money for alcohol drugs and cigarrettes.At least the kids might get fed

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  • fordxr5turbodotcom
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hehe the 'Ford Xr6T Party'

'Spooling for taxes!'

'Turbo Charging the Economy'

wonder what our first order of parliament would be!?

...all XR6Ts exempt from fines and the law :blink:

Brian's analogy was great...

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  • fordxr5turbodotcom
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just to add my 2c (plus GST).... I don't have a problem with our tax system... I have a problem with the way John Howard tackles other sensitive subjects such as the refugees etc... I won't go on..

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  • Flower Power
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I do think the tax system is very unfair at the moment.

I'm a below average income earner (because I have 2 cars on Salary Sacrifice), but my package is well above average especially for my age.

I'm lucky I don't get taxed much because of the cars.

My old man on the other hand. 59 years old, working 14 - 16 hour days, 7 day weeks on construction sites, massive buildings in the city (including centerpoint tower), cross city tunnel, parra - epping rail tunnel, and most recently the M7.

A person that never takes a sickie even when he's sick, who walks more in one day than most athletes do during a weeks training, who lifts more weight than a weightlifter training for the olympics, and has more responsibility than any of his co-workers.

One of the hardest working men you can find got taxed over 60k in a previous financial year.

How's that for a fair tax system....

Yet he still drives a VN Late model camira which has cost him more to keep on the road than he payed for the damn thing :laughing:

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Cro, I'm not disputing your old man is everything you say he is, but if he got taxed $60K, he must have earned a helluva lotta $$. That's how the tax system works, you earn more, you pay more tax - and it's a progressive tax system too. In general, I don't really think people can whinge when they pay more tax 'cos it normally means they're earning more money. Tax is the price we pay for living in our civilised society and for all the services we are entitled to, etc. And there has to be some sort of equity built in whereby less fortunate people (most through no fault of their own) do not have to pay as much tax, simply because they are the ones least able to afford it. :laughing:

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