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Brand New Rims Damaged By Ultratune

Guest mercurysteve

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My wife works at the local toyota dealer some of the storys I hear unbelievable

forgetting to put oil in engine's, going to fuel up car for delivery roll it at a round about, not putting cars on 4 post hoist properly shake car a little when pulling wheels of car falls of hoist gets wedged on hoist had to get a crane to lift car out of hoist. :tease:

A good mate of mine worked at a Merc dealership here in Melb. He had a car up on the hoist and left it up overnight. He came in the next morning to find it had fallen off onto another Merc :spoton: It was a very expensive repair and needless to say he didnt work there for long after.

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Here's a cracker, happened at my previous place of employment....

A customer had booked her Excel in for a 30k service, and as the service advisors do, they suggested this fandangled "on car injection service" which involves clamping the fuel lines, removing the fuel pump fuse/relay and running the car using these aerosol bottles full of aparrent injector cleaner for a few minutes....

Well something happened, dunno what exactly, either the fuel pump wasn't disconnected properly, the mechanic hasn't admitted the full story, but anyhow fuel started spewing into the engine bay, car caught on fire, burnt to the ground.

They bought her a new Excel.

True story. :tease:

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Fair dinkum, I'm a bit nervous about taking my T in for it's 30k service now. I can assume that some or all of the following will happen:

1. It will be scratched, dented, dropped or rolled.

2. It will have incorrect spec fluids replaced.

3. I will be charged for warranty repairs.

4. I will be charged excessive service fees including every fuel or oil additive under the sun.

5. They will not find or fault any problem I report to them.

6. The car will cop an absolute flogging during their 'test drive'.

Can somebody remind me of the advantages of having your car serviced?

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Im friends with someone who used to work as an apprencite mechanic at a major Expensive Daewoo dealership on the northside of brisbane, and he told me some of the things that happened there... like after they have fixed a car they "test drive" it, which usually means that a few of them will take it out for a spin and thrash the sh*t out of it. They sometimes take out two at a time and race them, they even put on different wheels on the back and take them out for burnouts. This happens every day, They let any staff drive them, even my friend who was 18 and just got his P's. Except one guy who wrote off a clubsport into a concrete barrier and an ss into pole wasnt allowed to test drive them without someone else in the vehicle. But the owner of the dealership knows about what happens and apparently doesnt care.

When I get a xr6t im going to want to watch them the whole time it is getting serviced and come along for the test drive, I dont trust anywhere any more.

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...and another.

I thought it was an urban legend but the guy I work with actually had this happen to him.

Few days after car gets serviced, he goes to was a bug off the windscreen with the wipers...all smeary. More squirting ......more wiping .......the worse it gets.

Stops at a servo and cleans it with a squeegee.

Forgets about it for a few weeks then tries to clean windscreen with wipers again..... all covered in crud.

Goes to auto part shop buys new wiper blades and goes to fit them when old ones disintegrate in his hands, notices paint on bonnet is stained..... :blink:

Turns out moron at dealers had inadvertantly topped up his windscreen washer bottle with battery acid. :nono:

I said crap...he swears it happened to him, only a company car so no one had to be executed. :censored:

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I used to take out the Supra Turbo's when I worked for a Toyota dealership. They were given a flogging as all the other toyota's were boring.

I remember my last day there I did one in a brand new Supra Turbo that needed both rear tyres replaced as they were down to the steel belts with only 1500km on the clock.

We also used to service Lotus Esprit Turbos. We were nice to them as they broke easily :censored:

I look back and laugh, but I sure as hell would not like it done to my car :blink:

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the tyres on the performance fords and holdens are very expensive especially for the 19' rims. I would hate to have someone at a dodgy dealership go out and do burnouts in mine. apparently they r now flagging falcons that they see at the race tracks or doing burnouts so the dealers don't have to cover them for warranty repairs on the drivetrain and gearbox etc. So if an owner does a burnout in their falcon they may void their warranty if someone from ford sees it, but the dealers themselves are still allowed to race and do burnouts in customer cars??????

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