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  • Member For: 20y 4m 23d
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Its a pity they do not bother busting the Harleys that run around with no baffling and have 140dB exhausts.

The road rules are a joke, but I am not fussed I got hotdogs so its all good.


It's obvious you have never ridden a bike in a jungle of cars, The benefit of loud pipes on a bike is if the car drivers cant see you then as sure as hell they will hear you. And like cars there are a few idiots on bikes out there that ruin it for everybody else.

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 14d
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It's obvious you have never ridden a bike in a jungle of cars, The benefit of loud pipes on a bike is if the car drivers cant see you then as sure as hell they will hear you. And like cars there are a few idiots on bikes out there that ruin it for everybody else.

Couldn't agree with you more mate. But, and no offence to you (as it looks like you own a Harley), some of those Harleys are just obnoxiously loud. There's loud enough to be heard and then there's just downright offensively loud. :thumbsup:

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  • THE Member
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It's obvious you have never ridden a bike in a jungle of cars, The benefit of loud pipes on a bike is if the car drivers cant see you then as sure as hell they will hear you. And like cars there are a few idiots on bikes out there that ruin it for everybody else.

Couldn't agree with you more mate. But, and no offence to you (as it looks like you own a Harley), some of those Harleys are just obnoxiously loud. There's loud enough to be heard and then there's just downright offensively loud. :spit:

Both excellent points but I do agree with bugster harleys do seem to have there own noise(Music) laws!

personally I love there note but it is a bit off putting when you are pulled over on an R1 for too loud and a harley goes past while he is writeing the ticket that is clearly twice as loud and the officer just shrugs his sholder :thumbsup:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Couldn't agree with you more mate.  But, and no offence to you (as it looks like you own a Harley), some of those Harleys are just obnoxiously loud.  There's loud enough to be heard and then there's just downright offensively loud.  :nono:

Had some bikies pull up in Ulmarra the other day, and you know a bike is loud when they hit the throttle, the windows shake, you feel the punch in your cheast and you go temporarily deaf. :spit::spit:

Sound pretty nice when they 100m down the roads but :spit:

Lumpy :thumbsup:

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Come on, the cops dont have a the balls to pull them over.


Sadly, that statement is very true. :thumbsup:


Funniest thing I ever saw was a heap, about thirty Glads pulled over in Newcastle, main street Friday night, about 10 cops, EPA, council rangers, the lot, they were there for about three hours, wrote out alot of tickets, drove past a few times just to laugh at the idiots.

This is not to say al HD riders are Idiots, but they have a fair monopoly on the market, I have also been riding road bikes for about 18 years, the noise thing doesnt wash, same a siren, from behind you cant hear it until it is on top of you.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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  • Location: The Bogan Shire
Funniest thing I ever saw was a heap, about thirty Glads pulled over in Newcastle, main street Friday night, about 10 cops, EPA, council rangers, the lot, they were there for about three hours, wrote out alot of tickets, drove past a few times just to laugh at the idiots.

Ahh, the Gladiators! That's who this mob were. Bout 80 blokes. Seemed fair enough blokes.

Lumpy :thumbsup:

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  • The 'nice guy'
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Are these laws also applicable in Queensland?


EPA is Federal so I imagine so. Also check the website for whatever the State road authority is e.g. Roads & Traffic Authority (RTA) in NSW.

So a search for words like exhaust & modification etc. If the site is good like the NSW one you should be able to download/read heaps of info.

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  • Member For: 19y 10m 25d
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Its a pity they do not bother busting the Harleys that run around with no baffling and have 140dB exhausts.

The road rules are a joke, but I am not fussed I got hotdogs so its all good.


It's obvious you have never ridden a bike in a jungle of cars, The benefit of loud pipes on a bike is if the car drivers cant see you then as sure as hell they will hear you. And like cars there are a few idiots on bikes out there that ruin it for everybody else.


ok window up stereo cranking, can you hear the bike? I cant even her a siren let alone the bike, and u cant hear them till they past any way. Loud bikes/cars are an ego thing and this safety issue is pretty lame. Im a member of a few bike forums and this loud=safe argument has been shot too pieces a few times.

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