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Scan Tools Revisited


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  • Team Bute
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Searched through the forum, and couldn't find any definitive posts on which, if any, of the myriad of OBDII Scantools on the web, work on our BA Fords.

Is anyone successfully using any PC based (or PDA based) tools which allow reading of the data available via the OBDII port?

I really would like to be able to monitor a variety of engine parameters whilst going through my latest mods, so as to quantify the benefits/deficiencies of specific components and their placement.

There are lots of tools advertised, in US and UK, supporting OBDII protocols with CAN bus support (which is what the BA has, I beleive)

I could bite the bullet and buy a package cold, and take my chances.

But if anyone has had success with any tools which enable reading the data, I'd be very appreciative.

I did hook up a dedicated Hand held Scan tool unit designed for just about every vehicle on the market, but it was priced at $7k. Amazing the amount of information that is available from the factory ECU if the interface is sussed out.

So, if you have any info, please let us know.



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Batten Performance Tuning sell these items and work for the BA's.

I sent an email with this reply on cost.

(Hi Brett,

The cost of the Can Scan tool is $380.00 and would typically cost about

$15.00 for C/O/D/ postage to Townsville.


Barry Batten.)

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Is anyone successfully using any PC based (or PDA based) tools which allow reading of the data available via the OBDII port?

I would also like to know this.

Further to this, is it possible to obtain the actual format of the data that is output via the OBDII port for the XR6T (I assume each car is different)? This is probably proprietary Ford information though. I am asking, as I am a software engineer and would like to experiment with writing some software to decode the information and display it. Taking it further would be to display it on the Premium screen :)

I recall that someone on this forum has already started doing this, but have not heard any updates on it for a while. How is it going?



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Batten Performance Tuning sell these items and work for the BA's.

I sent an email with this reply on cost.

(Hi Brett,

The cost of the Can Scan tool is $380.00 and would typically cost about

$15.00 for C/O/D/ postage to Townsville.


Barry Batten.)


hey how can I order one please, I live in sydney

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  • I see red
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Batten Performance Tuning sell these items and work for the BA's.

I sent an email with this reply on cost.

(Hi Brett,

The cost of the Can Scan tool is $380.00 and would typically cost about

$15.00 for C/O/D/ postage to Townsville.


Barry Batten.)


hey how can I order one please, I live in sydney



Batten's Performance Tuning website

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We`ve just bought a hanatech scan pro for the workshop. Plugged into my xr6t it gives 70+ lines of live info inc-boost, manifold pres, int temp, and I could go on for ever, but it is fantastic. Cost- $8,000+.

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Anyone tried the Raptor scantool from SCT?


Chances are it runs FOMOCO US protocol, we r stuck with the German CAN bus protocol, that's why US SCT flasher units don't work with AU delivered Fords. don't quote me though..

I have a couple of things floating and hopefully will have some sort of PDA ( PPC ) based Scantool/Datalogger for a few hundred Bucks in the not too distant future.

BPT version comes with NO performance based application, ie HP + torque, which I think would be quite handy..

This is what I'm after, for less $$ $230US than add $129 for BT connectivity. mmmmm..

PPC ScanTool

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The plug is similar to OBD2 but it is not the same, may scan tool specifies a different plug for both. I use the launch x431 which is worth about 5k although it is usually advertised for around 7k. it does heaps of cars & spits out millions of different data lines, codes keys & pcms.(security not reflash). The list of info goes on & on, & it can be printed in a reciept style reports. Although most of this info is usless, such as how many discs in a stacker but does even tell me am signal strength. Basically every sensor, button & control unitl can be viewed from tps & boost right through to heater & radio controls.

One thing to point out with scan tools is most of them will do the same things, the major contributing factor is the PCM it is communicating with & how fast & talks & what it says. Exmple of this is prior to AU live data was just a dream on fords that Expensive Daewoo technicians could taunt us with! But the BA is pretty good, can check out the instrument cluster, pcm, icc, abs, srs, etc, but is an expensive toy if all you want to do is play. However if u are a software programmer I could send you a copy of the files I download to update, which are small zip file which I puit onto a cf card & then put in the scanner.

All launch appaently to is get hold of a factory scanner & copy the software & make it suit their tool. Which is what most of them do, just wont like to admit it. launch have a websire but it is crap, still you can check it out if u like at www.x-431.com Man I sound like an ad for them!

Edited by cqae
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