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What Brand Of Fuel

Kimberley Scott

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I have a mobile card and the card has all mobil fuels available. The only thing is that mobil doesn't give my company any discount on premium. We get a discount on standard UL but even that is only a discount off the regional price, not what is at the pump.

Because of that I have only ever used Shell Optimax and never had any problems. That way I can also get 4c off per litre. Then get reimbursed for the fuel anyway.

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I normally use Caltex  Vortex.  I tried the 98 RON version, but never noticed much difference.  I suspect that is because, in Queensland, the Caltex Vortex is 96 RON, not 95  (or so I've been told)

I went through this with one local Caltex dealer here in Sydney and he got out some paperwork and said the Vortex was min 96 RON and Vortex 98 still higher.

As I said way early in this thread Caltex seem (but the wording is vague) to be the only ones to seem to indicate their RON (reseach octane numbers) are minimums and not avergages.

But as I also said, never seen any PROOF. It's all speculation and I've read many hundereds of posts in forums all over....not to mention that often different brands ARE the same - same refinery nothing chnaged - in various areas.

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I normally use Caltex  Vortex.  I tried the 98 RON version, but never noticed much difference.  I suspect that is because, in Queensland, the Caltex Vortex is 96 RON, not 95  (or so I've been told)


I went through this with one local Caltex dealer here in Sydney and he got out some paperwork and said the Vortex was min 96 RON and Vortex 98 still higher.

As I said way early in this thread Caltex seem (but the wording is vague) to be the only ones to seem to indicate their RON (reseach octane numbers) are minimums and not avergages.

But as I also said, never seen any PROOF. It's all speculation and I've read many hundereds of posts in forums all over....not to mention that often different brands ARE the same - same refinery nothing chnaged - in various areas.


Other brands might have the same base fuel, but the specialty fuels, like Vortex, would only be sold under the Caltex brand names. Special additives, such as the cleaning additives, would not be in the fuel if sold by another brand.

As for proof of octane minimums...

This page http://www.caltex.com.au/products_oil_detail.asp?id=15 says 95 RON is the minimum spec for Vortex fuel.

This page http://www.caltex.com.au/products_oil_listing.asp?section=1 says quite clearly that 98 RON is a minimum spec for Vortex 98.

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If you are buying fuel in WA it all comes from the one refinery BP Kwinana. Caltex add an additive to their 95RON for cleaning of injectors. Shell has a pipeline from the refinery to their storage tanks. The makeup of the fuel is changed all the time depending on the current conditions - weather, feed stock, etc. Which is why fuel should be used within 1 month of purchase. 98 RON is only sold at BP due to a deal between the oil companies, hopefully this will change. As a side note 91RON fuel will be phased out in WA , not sure of the time frame.

Some fuel from Gull etc does come from Singapore but due to lobying by BP the chemical composition of the fuel is such that is cost more to import than make locally. - Certain chemicals are not allowed.

Eastern states have more choice at the moment - watch out if a refinery closes!

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  • The 'nice guy'
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Mines tuned at 98 with Vortex 98 in the tank at the time. :crybaby:

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I'm not sure if MOTORCHARGE and MOTORPASS are the same, but I've been running a MotorCharge card now for approximately 14months, its never been knocked back at any service station.

The added benefit to MotorCharge (if its leased though such groups as SMB Novalease) is that not only fuels are covered, but oils, additives, and if your lucky enough to find a workshop that services FLEET vehicles  they too will accept this card. Just like Autotech Engineering :blush:

Feel free to PM me for information.



Until recently I also had Motorcharge as I have a novated lease. I cancelled it because:

1. It was not accepted at all servo's

2. Sometimes the servo's used the crap old handraulic card machine and the attendant didn't know how to fill it in properly

3. Many other service areas (including dealer service) didn't accept it

4. You can't use Coles/Woolworths fuel discount vouchers with them

5. They charged me around $5 a month for no tangible benefit

So now I can fuel anywhere I like, put it on the credit card and rack up some Qantas points.


Edited by turbomuz
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