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Are The T's A Great Car?


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Over the past 12 months I have read with interest the number of people complaining about the T's....

Problem after problem, all other brand cars are better etc etc.........

Well after purchasing and owning around 9 new cars in the past 20 years, I find that the XR6 Turbos are a fantastic car.

Sure, people have problems and issues, but I have hardly seen a positive response from anyone for a long time.

Well this is my post bragging how wonderful I think the car is.

Perhaps I've been lucky and not had any issues, but overall after 10 months, I still cant wipe the smile off my face. Especially after taking the center muffler out and replacing it with dual 2 1/2" stainless steel pipes........

Car sounds awesome, bit loud sometimes, but gee she sounds sweet.

Cant wait to get the edit done now.

After installing the twin pod gauges, tinting the windows, installing 2 pro alarms, etc etc I feel I have a dream car that I am very proud of.

I also know that many friends who also own the T are likewise more than happy with their beast.

Anyway, just thought I would post a positive post about my beast.


A proud XR6T owner :laughing:

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I was one of the whingers when I had my first XRT. Problem after problem after problem...etc..

This new one is simply amazing, I love it, I love driving in it. When I'm not on a long drive I find myself watching in-car footage from the cruise and the track day.

It's the best touring car ever, would explain why I have 52,500kms in 11 months :msm:

The sports steering wheel plays a big part in the enjoyment of the car, I just love it, holding it, turning it, oh I love the gear knob too, both of them :laughing:

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  • In Your Face
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I just love it, holding it, turning it, oh I love the gear knob too, both of them :laughing:


Hey Cro.............get your hand off it mate you'll go blind :msm::msm:

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I concure - biggest winge to date, ummm, don't have one! Only warrenty repair I had was the wiper motors were wierd when new, got them fixed up in the first week I had it, not a thing gone wrong since. The poor thing gets all 400HP every time I drive it, and she spends a lot of the time sideways or finding traction and it still drives like new!

Might help that I service the car myself every 7500kms though, and it does soend 5 days a week in a garage LOL!

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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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I'm with you Dutchie would not change it for anything else :laughing:

I agree. Brilliant car and I am in no hurry to change it.

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  • The 'nice guy'
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I bought my T new in April and I've never had a new car with so few and such simple 'breaking in' issues. Let me see:

- heat sheild rattle fixed by Ford with kit at 3K service.

- handbrake assembly cover adrift at delivery and replaced with a leather job (Fairmont Ghia?) at first 3K service.

- Front passenger seat floor plastic surround fit issue fixed by way of entire new assembly at first 3K service.

- Rack noises at low speeds especially when cold (I assume it was loose crossmember bolts not the rack coming adrift like my AU :msm: ) fixed at first 3K service.

- two pinprick size paint deformities on rear spoiler noted at delivery and fixed immediately and paint protection reapplied.

- two tiny scratches found low on rear bumper assembly post delivery - respray at 3K service.

- very long scratch accross roof done by hand car washing morons - buffed out for free by Ford despite telling the truth! - and paint protection reapplied - 3K service.

- small and minor (borderline if it was even an issue) paint deformity inside petrol filler cover - resprayed - 3K service.

That's everything. *Nothing* since. As you can see I'm fussy as hell, but all fixed. Also nothing that effected the integrity of the car, only minor annoyances. I've had far worse!

I had a string of new Commodores & Falcons prior and had many more niggling pain in the arse issues with those (particularly with fit and finish in the Commodores).

So, yes, the Falcon MKII XR6T has been the superior car in every aspect compared to the last 10 or so. In fact I'd say the best quality ever and certainly out doing some of my mates and their Euro QUALITY brand new Beemers and so on! :laughing:

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