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Canberra Sth East Nsw Cruise 17th July 2005


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  • Flower Power
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What a great day !

We had sun, sand, surf and snow all in one day. What a country!

Sorry I missed dinner guy's (and girls).

I cought up to the VR Late model camira wagon and some other guy in a pulsar was going ballistic at the driver.

The pulsar even stopped dead in the 80 zone to give it to the commo driver as he was waiting to turn right...very funny !


I think the radio I borrowed hit your seat positioning bar as I "passed" it back to you. Let me know if the radio's ok and thanks for the use.


Nah mate the radio was fine. I used it for a bit of the way to make sure :)

Thanks everyone for comming, was a great day, bit boring at times but the fun bits made up for it :stirthepot:

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  • Weird Member
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Thanks guys for a great day! :spit:

Excelent work by Cro to organise and lead on of the best cruises I have been on. A good pace not too fast and not too slow (except for the persistant Volvo driver). :stirthepot:

It was good to catch up with a few old friends and meet some new ones. I wish I could tell Ross that the sledging stopped after he went home but...........

And what is the secrect dirt proof coating creepy has on his car...he must have gone thru a car wash at lunch time..... :spit:

Poor old Dannopower was having trouble keeping up with a Hoffoon today....imagine his horror when he discovered the driver turns 21 (months old) next week. :spit:

Seriously though thanks to all you guys for waiting for us to put the two little ones back in the car after each stop, and leaving enough time to pick up the hundreds of hotwheels cars and toy trains that fell out onto the ground every time we opened a door. :spit:





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  • Weird Member
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At risk of getting called a number crunching nerd :nono: the figures for the day were...

Dist 496.9km

Range 55kms

Fuel Cons 11.5L/100ks

Duration 5.45hrs

Avg Spd 86km/h

So a days fun for less than a tank of Vortex 98. :laughing:

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Wouldve loved to make it along, but got on the sauce a bit too hard Saturday night and am still paying the price for it :(

Just wondering if any of you guys are interested in a cruise out to Orroral/Honeysuckle tracking station in the next few weeks? Would be an inter-club cruise, getting the Skylines Australia, Syndicate and Shogun guys along too.

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Thanks Cro for organising such a great day...

It was great fun, we where sitting on the jetty by the sea in T-shirts and jeans eating fish and chips at lunch time and yet having a snowball fight by afternoon tea time :msm: ... Jen also had a great time (Which is good otherwise I'd be hearing about it for the next 3 months...), and as foir giving bombala their first ever peak hour... :lol:





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What a great day !

We had sun, sand, surf and snow all in one day. What a country!

I second that

Thanks Cro, great job.

Bev didn't even get car sick.

Love the twisty bits and the look on Mini-me's face in the Suzi, priceless, he sure pushed it up the mountain.

And sorry Ross you had to leave early, you missed a herd of young black girls, but I noticed you did enjoy some tender young veal at the restaurant.

Great to see Ken and crew come down from Sydney and all the new local faces thanks guy's.

Thanks again Cro

well done

Gary & Bev

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Guest turbo_dan
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yeah tahnks cro was a great day and was my very first cruise with you guys and had a great jsut hope I can come next even though I wont have my turbo probably. so yeah next one if u dont mind having a bike in the cruise id be up for it. was a great day thanks again

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Poor old Dannopower was having trouble keeping up with a Hoffoon today....imagine his horror when he discovered the driver turns 21 (months old) next week.  :w00t2:

Your right there mate, 270rwkw in my ol' leaf sprung work hack wasnt much chop in the twisty bits! I have some awesome short camera footage of me "phoon chasin" thru the hills. All I could smell of mine was brakes and coolant!

I thought I wasnt doing too bad, until you said the kids were asleep in the back seat!

Thanks everyone for an awesome day, and like I said last night, any one is more than welcome to sit in on our FPV and XR club of the ACT meetings anythime!

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  • I see red
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Great cruise, well the small bit I joined in on. Heaps of cops in Cooma hey, they seemed quite interested in the gathering of XR6Ts but of course there was no cause for alarm as we were all being well behaved and sticking to the speed limit.

There was a random breath test setup in Bredbo I saw on the way back. There were two cop cars (BA XRs of course! :spoton: ) and they let me past and pulled over the Subaru behind me. Pity they didn't pull over and book the w@nker in the Ford Escape 4x4 that was sitting on my :kissmy: nearly all the way from Cooma. I came to an overtaking lane and pulled out and overtook a slower car (sped up to about 130km/h) and flogger was still on my :kissmy: . I let him past and then he got stuck behind a slower car and I caught up and sat up his :kissmy: all the way back to Canberra.

Once back in Canberra I decided to go for my own solo cruise out to Tharwa, then up to Corin Forest where there was some snow. Just past Corin Forest I saw a 4x4 pulling a Subaru Liberty back on the road after the driver must of had an oops...so much for AWD!

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