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Typhoon 0 - 100kklm/h


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One thing that people seem to misinterpret when working out power loss etc is how they convert RWKW back to FWKW.

If you say your car has a loss of 30% power from the FW to the RW then the correct way to work out the FW and RW power would be as following;

For eg your car made 223rwkw with an assumed 30% drive train loss.


Method 1.

223rwkw x 1.3 = 289.9fwkw

Method 2.

223rwkw / 0.7 = 318.57fwkw

Now if you work the other way FWKW to RWKW

Method 1.

289.9fwkw x 0.7 = 202.93rwkw WRONG

Method 2.

318.57fwkw x 0.7 = 223rwkw  CORRECT

So you can see that going from rwkw to fwkw Method 2 is the correct mathematical way of working out the fwkw. Most people always use Method 1, which is wrong!!!

Thus if you car is making 223rwkw it would have the following rwkw;

20% power loss = 278.75fwkw

25% power loss = 297.33fwkw

30% power loss = 318.57fwkw



Like I said, it's pretty healthy for a bone stock car.

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Turbocorty, that's a quick car. I just opened it up using Windows movie maker. Measured the 0-100km/h time by comparing frame differences.

I calculated it was a 5.33 second run.

I.e. Time when needles starts moving off at 0km/h=2.87s

Time when needle reaches 100km/h=8.2

8.2-2.87=5.33 seconds

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 25d
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One thing that people seem to misinterpret when working out power loss etc is how they convert RWKW back to FWKW.

If you say your car has a loss of 30% power from the FW to the RW then the correct way to work out the FW and RW power would be as following;

For eg your car made 223rwkw with an assumed 30% drive train loss.


Method 1.

223rwkw x 1.3 = 289.9fwkw

Method 2.

223rwkw / 0.7 = 318.57fwkw

Now if you work the other way FWKW to RWKW

Method 1.

289.9fwkw x 0.7 = 202.93rwkw WRONG

Method 2.

318.57fwkw x 0.7 = 223rwkw  CORRECT

So you can see that going from rwkw to fwkw Method 2 is the correct mathematical way of working out the fwkw. Most people always use Method 1, which is wrong!!!

Thus if you car is making 223rwkw it would have the following rwkw;

20% power loss = 278.75fwkw

25% power loss = 297.33fwkw

30% power loss = 318.57fwkw



Or just use the dyno for what its meant for, before and after gains. % gain at the wheels equals percentage gain at the fly, end of story.

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I have done a number of runs using the G-tech Pro with the best time being 5.4...but on average it gets 5.5 - 5.6second to 100.

I wonder how the guy's at motor are changing gears if the could only manage 6 point something.

I think Ford has told the the mags to report it as slower than the HSV for political reasons!!

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