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Xr6 Turbo Vs Skylines


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  • Big Gun
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:blink: Not if it goes off topic.

Anyways, I still think Beasley will make a better PM than Costello


How can you compare the two??

One's an overweight, underperforming slob.

And the other needs so much money thrown into it to get it to work, and even then it's not reliable.

Apples and Oranges :nono:

Apples are heaps better. There's more variety. Oranges are overated, overpriced, underflavoured and the only good ones come from California.

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How can you compare the two??

One's an overweight, underperforming slob.

And the other needs so much money thrown into it to get it to work, and even then it's not reliable.

Apples and Oranges  :nono:


Are we still comparing the XR6T to the Skyline here? :nono:

This has been one of the most entertaining threads we've had. Thanks guys :blink:

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  • Flaccid Member
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How would the apple and orange stack up againt a Pineapple?

You'd need at leat 10 oranges to stack them up to the same height as a pineapple.

My work here is done....:sofa:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Guys you can't compare apples at 60c a kilo to pineapples at $1.05 a kilo.

They aren't in the same league. No matter how many apples you have, they will just get smashed by a pineapple

Yeah, but give me that extra 45 cents and I'll make you an apple that will out taste ANY stock Pineapple...

Lumpy :sofa:

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I think an Apple has far better rolling resistance properties and so should spank a Pineapple in a straight line, Go around some corners though and Apple won't be able to keep up as the Pineapple has far superior traction.

As for the diffenence in price, if I bought an Apple for 60c a kg and then modded it with the 45c a kg I saved on the price of the Pineapple, the Apple would kick it's arse mate end of story.

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