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Centre Muffler Removal


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I wonder if there are warrenty / insurance issues.

Im getting my car serviced next week so I might ask the question.


TUFXRT :stupid:

No. Well for me and many others anyway.

If they ever start dribbling Siht one day ill have a few words for them but my dealer is fine atm.

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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it's just that really anoying sound some cars make around 2500rmp it comes into the cab ,starts to get to you when your on longer drives sitting on a constant speed

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  • Uncle Bulgaria was gender challenged
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A little further on mine.....I was pretty disappointed with how quiet it was with twin dogs...I mean it kept the peace with the missus but other than first thing in the morning and under load, its was mousie. Cruise really quiet.

Just installed a hi flow cat.....that's changed things. No drone anyplace but a constant burble at low speeds. Nice and quiet at cruise, and clearly non stock at idle. Nice middle ground for me...

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I just got this done myself. It sounds great now. Only problem is the moron from ACE EXHAUST RINGWOOD complained about having to do it, then put it on crooked and now the exhaust tip is a little wonky and pokes out too far. I mentioned it to him but he cracked it so I just got outta there. ha ha ha.I couldn't beleive it, I paid the dude $40 for 15 mins work and he complained! ha ha, this guy was odd.

Apart from that though the straight through pipes have been so good they have made me question wether I should even bother buying an X-Force system.

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I just got this done myself. It sounds great now. Only problem is the moron from ACE EXHAUST RINGWOOD complained about having to do it, then put it on crooked and now the exhaust tip is a little wonky and pokes out too far. I mentioned it to him but he cracked it so I just got outta there. ha ha ha.I couldn't beleive it, I paid the dude $40 for 15 mins work and he complained! ha ha, this guy was odd.

Apart from that though the straight through pipes have been so good they have made me question wether I should even bother buying an X-Force system.


I had read thru nearly all 40 pages on this thread.

then thought ill give this mod a shot and see how it goes..

And was just about to post up, and al of the sudden saw your post,

"can anyone please recommend me exhaust shops in melbthat are familiar with this straight through piping and is preferably in the area for me, e.g Doncaster.. City or dandenong.. rather than the frankston place which is AGES away.. but please recomend only if you haven't had problems with them as everywhere I go to get any sort of upgrades on my car, I seem to get shotty jobs done and they ppl are w*nkers especially with my recent tint job"

then seeing u went to Ace exhaust, I nearly fell off the chair... I started off with these guys when getting an exhaust system for my previous car.

and these guys "supposidly" forgot to put a muffler on my exhaust system =[ which I only found out about once I got home (after I looked properly under my car).. even another customer standing around with me at ACE said to me ' I shouldn't really be here as I heard these guys are sh!t but their cheap =) '

anyway any recommended exhaust places that can do this in melb that's not a rip off?


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Performance exhaust in Ringwood.


There's a street that runs parallel to Ace in Ringwood, it's behind them, They're great and did mine. I bought a cat elsewhere and they fitted it, plus they supplied 2 small hot dogs and removed the centre muffler. Cost me $180 all up and they did a great job.

(I went to ACE first and couldn't believe the stuff they were saying, any wonder people have problems.)

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Performance exhaust in Ringwood.


There's a street that runs parallel to Ace in Ringwood, it's behind them, They're great and did mine. I bought a cat elsewhere and they fitted it, plus they supplied 2 small hot dogs and removed the centre muffler. Cost me $180 all up and they did a great job.

(I went to ACE first and couldn't believe the stuff they were saying, any wonder people have problems.)

lol.. I love hearing the stories from Ace, anyway I thought performance exhaust were expensive..

but I guess I've never tried them before. actually ill call em up 2moro

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