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Centre Muffler Removal


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Dre's got one but his cars getting tuned atm, I think it's suppose to be done mid week.

I think it would be way too loud with the centers out.

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  • Turboless
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interesting read impellor! wouldnt mind hearing it to see what difference it is to stock. how much would your mate charge for doing something like that?

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interesting read impellor! wouldnt mind hearing it to see what difference it is to stock. how much would your mate charge for doing something like that?

The cost was $165, sounds much better. I have heard the centre muffler removal which sounds a bit like a tractor at idle, in my opinion this sounds much better, could have something to do with the 76mm pipes. Further, straight away everyone notices the twin 3 inch tips. They fill the cutout nicely, doesn't look to big, just right I'd say. Cheers

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I think rear removed (centre in) is better at idle and low revs, centre out (rear in) is a bit tinny on start up and low rvs but better above 3,000rpm to my ears. Just my 2 cents and yes, I've heard both as I did both to my car. But every T is different with mods, models, how the pipes are fitted etc etc which would change the result :spoton:

Dillz is right, twin 3 inch without centre (and high rwkw) would be very loud Blckphn. Which state you are in could mean some unwanted attention for noise limits etc? (in Tas you could have a NASCAR and no one seems to care, but then in Vic/NSW is much more policed from what I've heard....? :dontknow: )

Edited by CBXRT
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mine doesnt sound tinny at all, I recon it sounds more like a wannabe V8. (in a good way). has a pretty deep idle which sounds dam :msm: .

dunno what it sounds like when driving though. mines its loudest from 1500rpm to 2500rpm give or take. anything around this its not so bad. I really need someone to drive it so I can follow and listen. keep yas posted on this.

I had a cat back on my old VT V6, I would say its much the same. VT had centre muffler and a rear resinator. 2 1/2 inch from memory.

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FordFreak, mine had a deep idle when warm also, but was very tinny loud on cold (ie; 0 degrees) starts ups - the FGs aren't as noticable as they are a fair bit quieter than BA/BF with centre removed on stock exhaust.

Yes, mine was loudest (still is, but much louder again) at around 2,500rpm :beerchug:

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