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Centre Muffler Removal


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So guys with this mod done what is the honest difference between the dogs and without. I am looking for a sound outta the car I dont mind a lil noise. Just want the car to sound nice. also is it worth replacing the whole centre part or is it easier to just get the centre muffler cut out and pipes welded in.



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  • Team Velocity
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It took me about 15 mins to change mine on my mates hoist.

Hot dogs no drone at all and sounds sweet.

staight through pipes (people have been reporting a droning sound


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thanx Craig for the quick reply what is the note/sound difference between the hot dogs and none. is the only difference between them no drone with hot dogs.



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anyone know if ford has a whinge when u take it in for service if you have replaced the centre muffler with a straight thru pipe... also how would this go with warranty and what not.

One last thing, any idea if they can attach the replacement pipe with U clamps versus welding?

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anyone know if ford has a whinge when u take it in for service if you have replaced the centre muffler with a straight thru pipe... also how would this go with warranty and what not.

One last thing, any idea if they can attach the replacement pipe with U clamps versus welding?

I dont know how true it is but I was told that removal of the centre muffler is not worth doing. I was told that the ones my mate has removed / replaced the muffler on ended up sounding sh*t for little if any power increases.

I got my cat gutted and it made 26 rwkw difference. Its a huge increase. Has anyone else done the cat?

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A cat punch will increase power as it is the major restriction in the stock system. BUT. Unless you are in NZ, it is illegal and you expose yourself to heavy fines.

The centre muffler removal will only improve sound, but is worthwhile if replaces with pipes and hotdogs.

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A cat punch will increase power as it is the major restriction in the stock system. BUT. Unless you are in NZ, it is illegal and you expose yourself to heavy fines.

The centre muffler removal will only improve sound, but is worthwhile if replaces with pipes and hotdogs.

I am in NZ - and plan to go and punch my cat!

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jus did this mod 2 my ute...sounds great...did it straight thru n doesnt drone much at all... :roflmbo: this is my first mod...hoping 2 b more. but it sounds tough now and breaks traction halfway thru 1st and in2 2nd now.never did that b4 on the same road. :roflmbo: lol...its auto....and tyres arent that far off new ;)

Hey dude, you got any before/after pics of the muffler removal??

Or anyone else for that matter, just have a ute that's all...

Would there be any benefit of using 3" pipes as opposed to 2 1/4??

Anyone in Perth had it done yet, if so where and how much?

Id assume and good exhaust shop could fabricate something...

With this mod and a hi-flow Cat upgrade, would an edit be totally necessary?

Glad to see everyone is so happy with this simple mod.

Cheers all.

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