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Capa Ford Flash Tuner


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Guest mercurysteve
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Now Muzza, everyone was a "newbie" at some stage, but learn to use the search function mate :spoton: , you can have hours worth of reading from users experiences etc.

Juest search for Edit or HPF and good luck with it :crybaby:

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Now Muzza, everyone was a "newbie" at some stage, but learn to use the search function mate :pinch: , you can have hours worth of reading from users experiences etc.

Juest search for Edit or HPF and good luck with it :crybaby:


Easier still if you are not sure, head off to Modifications and Workshop forum and find the threads with the topics you need.......its all there :spoton: sh*t loads of it in fact.

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Gents, don't be so quik to flame... He asked about CAPA flash SOFTWARE. not hardware.. for me, the software is not available, the hardware has been for a while, and if 'edit results' is searched for, then he will be enlightened, if that was his enquiey..

clarification is what's needed here..

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If your talking about the CAPA edit, its probably the best way to go if you're intending to mod your XR6T.

The price is $1297 for the Flasher box which carries 3 tunes. I'd advise on getting a custom tune when the box is purchased as this will ensure that the car has the optimum setting. Custom tunes are usually around $300ish. This should bring a stock XR6T from around 180-195rwkw's up to 240rwkw's. This is a very noticable difference. From here you can add various other mods and have the car tuned to suit.

Geea. :laughing:

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  • Sucker
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Gents, don't be so quik to flame... He asked about CAPA flash SOFTWARE. not hardware.. for me, the software is not available, the hardware has been for a while, and if 'edit results' is searched for, then he will be enlightened, if that was his enquiey..

clarification is what's needed here..


That’s true, what has happened with the "user" software? Is APS developing it?


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Gents, don't be so quik to flame... He asked about CAPA flash SOFTWARE. not hardware.. for me, the software is not available, the hardware has been for a while, and if 'edit results' is searched for, then he will be enlightened, if that was his enquiey..

clarification is what's needed here..


That’s true, what has happened with the "user" software? Is APS developing it?



Just got off the phone from CAPA. It looks like the quicktune software will not be released. They were talking about a new tuning product, hand held unit, but there is no release date.

Yes, I've been privy to use the software. Seems to work ok for me.

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