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Schapelle Corby Show On 9 Tonight


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2). She made the admission that she has "experimented" with drugs before.

While neither of these points makes her guilty.....it does raise some doubt as to her innocence.


As far as I'm aware she experimented back in school. She is what 28 now?

I was a pothead and an alcoholic throughout year 11&12, If I actually went to school I was stoned or drunk of my nut.

I smoked an average of $20 a day. That is hardly experiemental, that is a full blown pot abuse.

Now I haven't touched the crap in 6 years. I'm 24 and if I was in her position would you say that you are doubtful because of what I did when I was a kid?

I'm sure half the country has "experimented" drugs as kids, does it make you doubt half the country?

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  • The Thief of BadGags
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2). She made the admission that she has "experimented" with drugs before.

While neither of these points makes her guilty.....it does raise some doubt as to her innocence.

As far as I'm aware she experimented back in school. She is what 28 now?

I was a pothead and an alcoholic throughout year 11&12, If I actually went to school I was stoned or drunk of my nut.

I smoked an average of $20 a day. That is hardly experiemental, that is a full blown pot abuse.

Now I haven't touched the crap in 6 years. I'm 24 and if I was in her position would you say that you are doubtful because of what I did when I was a kid?

I'm sure half the country has "experimented" drugs as kids, does it make you doubt half the country?

.....half the country ???? Big call Cro.

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  • I see red
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2). She made the admission that she has "experimented" with drugs before.

While neither of these points makes her guilty.....it does raise some doubt as to her innocence.


If I actually went to school I was stoned or drunk of my nut.

I smoked an average of $20 a day. That is hardly experiemental, that is a full blown pot abuse.


Explains a lot about you Cro...


I'm sure half the country has "experimented" drugs as kids, does it make you doubt half the country?


Very conservative estimate I would say.

Schapelle seems the most switched on out of the family members that I have seen in the media. She is always well presented in neat, tidy clothing when shown on TV for her latest court appearance and speaks eloquently even when she is in a highly emotional state. She is either innocent or a very, very good actress. Her sister Mercedes seems to lack maturity and is prone to lashing out verbally at the media and the Indonesian justice system. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a regular choofer.

Those other 9 scumbags that were busted with the smack strapped to them and are in stark contrast to Schapelle. They make no attempt to act or look presentable, talk like uneducated booners and are constantly puffing away on ciggies (where do they get these from, I thought they were in jail?). That Renae Lawrence girl (looks more like a bloke) claims she's innocent and she was "forced" to carry the drugs because threats were made against her family. Quite likely there were threats, but it maybe has something to do with the people she associates with and the lifestyle she chooses to live. Nobody has ever approached me and threatened me or my family if I didn't strap illegal drugs to my body and fly to Bali. Then again I don't hang around druggo losers.

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  • Team Blueprint
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I have to say something on this.........

Firstly with the sms poll... who really cares what "the australian public" think, she is not on trial here.

Secondly the indonesian sytem is not bad at all, completely different to ours and they have different penalties etc... but on the whole it works.

Thirdly the whole case has been a stuff up from start to finish, if she had of got some proper legal advice in the beginning she wouldn't be there now. Also if she had treated it (from the beginning) as seriously as it deserves she wouldn't be in this mess. She joked and laughed in the first few weeks like it couldn't have been her, why not? She's as dumb as 2 very short planks and probably thought she could get away with it.... cause they only search bags on the way out.... don't they?

And lastly, I believe that the 3 judges have been extremely lenient on her allowing testomony that in Australia and certainly there should never have got through the front door....... jeeeees some guy (convicted criminal) over hears a conversation between 2 crims that may have to do with her case.... what a load of sh*te.

I have no idea if she is guilty or not.. I don't really care. However when you fly YOU are responsible for your goods... A boogie board bag is pretty small and I would guess that 4Kg of dope would be the size of 2 house bricks... how did she not notice the size or the weight? :spoton:

my 2 cents worth

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  • I see red
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I have to say something on this.........

jeeeees some guy (convicted criminal) over hears a conversation between 2 crims that may have to do with her case.... what a load of sh*te.


So why would he go to all the trouble of making up such a story? And risk his life (you may of heard he was stabbed recently after returning to jail after testifying).

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Guilty untill proven innocent, and she can't really proove she's innocent, so that makes her guilty.. end of story.

A chick, with a body board?? and flippers?? and no-one else on the trip had one?? What, she goes body boarding by herself?? :spoton:

I think the indo's stuffed up with procedure, and it makes her case stronger than it should be..

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