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How To Gap Your Spark Plugs: 101


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Step 1:

Remove all the intake piping contected to the cross over, and then remove the cross over itself to expost the top of the tappet cover.


Step 2:

Remove the leads cover with an Allen Key, I don't know what size. The one at the back of the motor is a pain in the arse to get out. I had to turn it only 1/4 of a rotation and refit the key, took ages, but I got there in the end.


This is what the engine looks like with the dust cover off. Next we have to pull the coils off the plugs.


Step 3:

Simply grap the black bit with you hands and pull, the should pull right off. They look like a big rubber *beep* on the end.


This is the view down the spark plug hole, its about 5 inches down there, and a pain in the arse to get out.


Step 4:

I bought a flexi-drive socket set form Supercheap, it cost about $30, but it is essential for getting the last plug out.


Step 5:

Once you have pulled the plug out, you need to insert the feeler guage between the electrodes and check the clearance. Mine where around 1.1 - 1.2mm - I am changin them to 0.9mm for the purpose of the CAPA Edit next saturday.

I simply tapped the plug on the ground a bit and checked the clearance. My first attempt I bent the elctrode too far and had to pry it back open with a smaller guage. By the end, I simply tapped it a couple of times firmly, checked it, then gove it a few light taps to make it a snug fit on the 0.9mm guage.

This photo shows the standard plug on the left and the 0.9mm plug on the right.


Step 6:

Once you have repeated the process for all six plugs and replaced the coils back in their holes. Its simply a case of the reverse proceedure. Ensuring everything goes back and is plugged back in, and all the hose clamps are tightened back up.


After the regapping, the car felt a little smoother and comes on boost more solidly with less surging. The real test in my skills will be when Power Torque upload and tune the 10psi map.

I hope this is of some help. :spoton:

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great post mate :spoton: The only other thing that I would add is to cover the throttle body with a clean plastic bag to stop crap from getting in it.... might seem a pointless exercise but beats pulling the whole thing apart again when the car starts surging and having a rough idle :spoton:

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great post mate :drool:  The only other thing that I would add is to cover the throttle body with a clean plastic bag to stop crap from getting in it.... might seem a pointless exercise but beats pulling the whole thing apart again when the car starts surging and having a rough idle :msm:


I noticed my TB had an oily residue in the bottom. I rubbed it with my thumb and it didn't come off. I think it was baked on there!

Other than that it was very clean and look good. I dead set sure the car runs better like that. The boost just seems more solid now, maybe the cylinders are getting a better combustion now? Maybe I am full of it!

Can't wait for the Edit!

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Good stuff. I noticed you distorted the pin part of the spark plug, this happened to mine aswell as I tried to bend the right distance, hope this dosnt affect performance. I also noticed I have different standard plugs, yours being Ford ones where mine are the motorcraft ones. :msm:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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I noticed my TB had an oily residue in the bottom. I rubbed it with my thumb and it didn't come off. I think it was baked on there!

Other than that it was very clean and look good. I dead set sure the car runs better like that. The boost just seems more solid now, maybe the cylinders are getting a better combustion now? Maybe I am full of it!

Can't wait for the Edit!

Maybe a can of that Throttle Body Cleaner spray stuff could come in handy?

I've used that on a few car and damn it helps a hell of alot :msm:

Lumpy :drool:

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  • In Your Face
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call me stupid, but now that I am edited, should I worry about doing this and also

WHY is it even important? :thumbsup:


By gapping the plugs Steve you will be able to raise more boost.

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If you leave the gauge in when you regap the plug there's no way you can go to far. Just be gentle!

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