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Clunking Noise In Left Rear Of Car

Guest EnviXR6T

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Guest EnviXR6T
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Well yesterday I brought home my car from Ford service after it had been there... let me see, five times now!! It seems it will have to go back again :spoton:

At first the guy from service came with me for a drive and the noise wasnt apparent so he couldnt say what it was from, which was fair enough. This was when the car clocked up around 2500km. Then it went for a service and they worked out that the noise was from the bushes (no not those with trees and branches!! Weird name :spoton: ).

So a week or so later it goes back for the bushes to get fixed then when I went to pick up the car, the service guy said that Ford had recognised this problem and would be shipping out some arms (another weird name :blush: ) I asked him why I had to come out to get the bushes fixed if it had to come back for the arms. He said that he wanted to make sure the car is ok and didnt want to take any chances. Understandable.

After a couple of weeks or so the arms came and yesterday the car went in for the day. When they finished fixing it and test drove the car I get a phone call giving me bad news. The noise is still there. :glad: The next time it goes in they will use a machine that will hopefully pin point where the noise is coming from and fingers crossed they will fix it. My car has done about 4700kms now. Its a Mark I car.

Basically the clunking noise happens over any slight bumps and sounds like its coming from the left rear of the car. When turning left into my driveway I can hear it all the time. I get the impression Ford have been looking at the suspension (Im a noob where cars are concerned).

Anyone got any other suggestions as to what the noise might be? Or has anyone else eoncountered the same noise?

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That is the diff.

I've got the same thing on my last 2 XR's when turning left or right at car park pace.

There is an adative that goes in your diff to fix this but it will come back.

I had the adative put in 13,000kms ago, and the noise has been there for the last 4,000kms.


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Basically the clunking noise happens over any slight bumps and sounds like its coming from the left rear of the car. When turning left into my driveway I can hear it all the time. I get the impression Ford have been looking at the suspension (Im a noob where cars are concerned).

Anyone got any other suggestions as to what the noise might be? Or has anyone else eoncountered the same noise?


I had a problem that fits your description a few months back. The strangest thing, and it took them hours to find it, but...

It was a smallish rock. It had found it's way up into the rear suspension. I was convinced it was the suspension itself, as it mainly happened when turning, or on speed bumps in carparks.

It took them ages to find and remove it. They had to pull the suspension out, at least partly, to get at it. They commmented that they did not think rocks could get up in there but this one did :spoton:

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  • 4 years later...
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I got 2 brand new XR6 turbos both done less then 10 000 and both have the same problem. Left rear suspension makes noise. Very annoying and seems to be a very common problem. No idea on hwo to fix it yet as I havnt been bothered to take them in..

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have the exact same annoying noise with my fg xr6t... exactly the same speed and always turning left.. At first I was told it was the diff bush which was replaced, but no luck... I mean its not as constant as it use to be but its still there....

when you find out why let me know...

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That is the diff.

I've got the same thing on my last 2 XR's when turning left or right at car park pace.

There is an adative that goes in your diff to fix this but it will come back.

I had the adative put in 13,000kms ago, and the noise has been there for the last 4,000kms.


that's what ive got.. I think (in FG F6 Ute Auto). its hard to explain noises in words. when I pull into carparks/driveway/drive through takeaway place, always when im going slowly, even when its perfectly smooth, I get this "toonk toonk" sound when im turning... im thinking its the LSD cos it feels like its building pressure then letting go, not in a major way, but yeah.

any1 think or know otherwise??. im gonna change the diff oil this swing (cars done 18,000kms)

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when I go over small bumps I have a thumping noise coming from the same side (left rear) it is a bit anoying I have taken it to ford they replaced all the bushes, shocks and springs thinking its that. it was gone for a bit but now its back. if I loose traction in the wet in 1st itll thud but if I loose traction in 2nd nothing its smooth (with either stabiltiy on or off). ford reconed it was axle hopping but if it's true wouldnt it do it regardless in what gear or what angle the rear is.

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