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Had An Interesting Run Tonight


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Pulled up in the empty left lane at some lights tonight on the way home from work. Right lane had a queue of cars. At the front of the queue was a red Pulsar.

I glanced at it as I pulled up. About the only thing I noticed was that it seemed like a SSS Pulsar but without the SSS sticker. (I dont know Pulsars well but a mate had one and surprisingly they go ok for what they are). Didnt notice anything else worth thinking about and wrote it off as not worth taking off quickly against.

So lights turn green. I take off slow. Pulsar pulls ahead 3ft or so. After 5m when the clutch is fully out and all is well, I floor it. Perhaps 1500rpm. I wanted to get across the intersection and out of my lane as a parked car was coming up, about 40m from where we started.

A second later the Pulsar realises I am flooring it and floors it too. By this time my car is really coming on power, and I am ahead, but his front bumper would have been equal to my rear tyre or so.

My drivers window was down and I could hear his car well. Suddenly I hear his engine completely change note. Holy sh1t it sounded VERY non-standard. Actually sounded a lot like a rotary engine. Didnt hear any turbo sounds but the car (being light helped) really upped and moved. It pretty much matched me from then on through 1st gear. I then had to pull into the right lane and jam on the brakes and only just got in...if he was any closer I would have had to let him go ahead.

He then made the usual effort to pull up close and rev his engine up and down, and I soon parted ways as was taking the next left to go to the video shop.

Quite interesting. A definite sleeper. Quiet exhaust too until he really opened it up. Althugh I reckon if we had gone to 2nd gear and above, I would have kicked him due to the torque available.

To make matters worse a guy was at the intersection we were crossing in an orange XR8, and would have seen the whole thing in front of him - sorry - not good for our image fellas as I actually had to fight hard against a Pulsar! :laughing:

I guess the moral of the story is dont make assumptions about what you pull up next to, and take off hard! Its a good reminder that there are surprises out there, and not every car worth taking note of is an easy spot.

Hats off to the Pulsar for catching me off guard and making me work for it!

Got to love sleepers...

Edited by mickq
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  • Big Gun
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Pulled up in the empty left lane at some lights tonight on the way home from work. Right lane had a queue of cars. At the front of the queue was a red Pulsar.

I glanced at it as I pulled up. About the only thing I noticed was that it seemed like a SSS Pulsar but without the SSS sticker. (I dont know Pulsars well but a mate had one and surprisingly they go ok for what they are). Didnt notice anything else worth thinking about and wrote it off as not worth taking off quickly against.

So lights turn green. I take off slow. Pulsar pulls ahead 3ft or so. After 5m when the clutch is fully out and all is well, I floor it. Perhaps 1500rpm. I wanted to get across the intersection and out of my lane as a parked car was coming up, about 40m from where we started.

A second later the Pulsar realises I am flooring it and floors it too. By this time my car is really coming on power, and I am ahead, but his front bumper would have been equal to my rear tyre or so.

My drivers window was down and I could hear his car well. Suddenly I hear his engine completely change note. Holy sh1t it sounded VERY non-standard. Actually sounded a lot like a rotary engine. Didnt hear any turbo sounds but the car (being light helped) really upped and moved. It pretty much matched me from then on through 1st gear. I then had to pull into the right lane and jam on the brakes and only just got in...if he was any closer I would have had to let him go ahead.

He then made the usual effort to pull up close and rev his engine up and down, and I soon parted ways as was taking the next left to go to the video shop.

Quite interesting. A definite sleeper. Quiet exhaust too until he really opened it up. Althugh I reckon if we had gone to 2nd gear and above, I would have kicked him due to the torque available.

To make matters worse a guy was at the intersection we were crossing in an orange XR8, and would have seen the whole thing in front of him - sorry - not good for our image fellas as I actually had to fight hard against a Pulsar!  :tonguepoke:

I guess the moral of the story is dont make assumptions about what you pull up next to, and take off hard! Its a good reminder that there are surprises out there, and not every car worth taking note of is an easy spot.

Hats off to the Pulsar for catching me off guard and making me work for it!

Got to love sleepers...

Don't worry about it mate, I got caught out with a STI when leavin Adelaide last week. He had a front mount, dunno what else. I thought he wanted to run, so I launched, and he took off soft, so I backed off.....then he belted it. I tried to catch him, but didn't get there until we were at about about 110, which by then was time to back off. He was in front, supposedly the winner but it was a bit low for him to launch knowing I already backed off. Oh well, I was the hero that thought I could real him in, but I got smacked instead. It's all good, just makes ya wanna get more mods. So it's not just sleepers that catch ya out.

disclaimer: This was done in a controlled and safe environment.

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Yeah Rob, if you're having a go with a Subie or any other blown small engine jobbie DO NOT change into second until they do. They will have the advantage it they have some good revs under their belt from a rolling start.

The first run I had with my T3 was against an STi on a wet road. I had no way to beat him fair so I started off slowly, well relatively slowly as I used 2nd gear. He only started slowly as well thinking that if I floored it he'd have no trouble pulling me back with his AWD advantage. Mistake! By the time we got to 100, and I had to grab third, he had dropped back by over a car length. The look he gave me at the next lights as he pulled up beside me was priceless - it was like I'd just cut off his manhood. His GF was giving him heaps of tongue I could see...:tonguepoke:

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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definatley not a car to underestimate a worked pulsar, they are light and with an sr20det under the hood have great power potential. There is one in toowoomba running close to 360hp at the wheels.


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I only have an ef2 gli with a few small mods, but I was at the lights next to what looked like a completely stock white corolla hatchback. it didn't have a loud exhaust or even mags, just the stupid hub caps they come standard with. I put my foot down to try to get in front of him to merge right, and when I got a cars length in front of him he just put his foot down and passed me like I was standing still. I spoke to him at the next set of lights and found out he has a worked celica engine in his corolla and claimed it does 0-100 in about 5 seconds!

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Was this a GTIR pulsar? From memory I think they are turbo charged with AWD.

They are little rockets once modded.


Yes GTI-Rs have SR20DET's with quad throttle bodies and are easy to get good power out of.

They also have the BBQ Grill on the bonnet. (TMIC) I dont mind them myself.

Edited by Roger Donkey
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