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Can Cracker


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  • Weird Member
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Can someone provide an English translation please


You guys really need to get out more... :k24t:

...see a bit of the world, learn a few varied and interesting things. :wavey:

This link gives a good basic overview for ill informed simpletons


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  • Member For: 21y 3m 20d

hey simmo, what to you think of the x-431, I am in the process of buying one at the moment but am a little worried about a few things.

are you ahppy with it & how accurate do you find the software & how do you find its coverage?

was tossing up between it, hanatech & maybe even carman-I dont like the snap on versions.

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  • Big Gun
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This link gives a good basic overview for ill informed simpletons

That explains why you had that link in your favourites then, hey Lexie.

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hey simmo, what to you think of the x-431, I am in the process of buying one at the moment but am a little worried about a few things.

are you ahppy with it & how accurate do you find the software & how do you find its coverage?

was tossing up between it, hanatech & maybe even carman-I dont like the snap on versions.


the software is excellent..........BUT it has alot of overseas cars on them and you have to workout what overseas car is the same as our version?for example hyundai ive had trouble knowing which program to run.

the toll is great on commodores,such as programing their keys etc and have recently upgraded to ba falcon software.you can put your car in police mode and check all the systems.

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 21d
  • Location: Canberra - ACT

CAN is not really somethign to be "cracked" it's just the interface/bus type that the modules int eh car are using to communicate. What is available at teh Diagnostics port is whats susceptable to the legislation.

Really all that's happening is that OBD-2/OBD-3 requirements are being upgraded to suit the new architectures. OBD came about to prevent the manufacters from holding a service monopoly on the maintenance of vehicle emission systems int eh USA. It also allows Gumbyment tests to be run by any workshop with a OBD compliant tool.

The basic requirements are:

- Access to information to do with emissions (ie rpm, 02 sensors, etc)

- Ability to switch of Service due indication notices

- Ability to read and rest the malfunction indicator light including the trouble codes

There's more but that's what it's about.

Moving to CAn for this just makes it more compatible. Then there's features in the ECU/Body modules that makers can allow you to tweeak (Cop mode, Lights-on etc) without havign the full-on Ford WDS/PDS type system. And ofcourse extended features that ARE protected and performed over the same bus - or sometimes on a completely seperate interface line through seperate wiring on the same plug - are things like flashing new code, pulling logged event data, programming modules to talk with each other etc.

Anyway it's all food for a hungry and adventurous mind.


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