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Coffs Harbour Cruise 2005 17th-20th June


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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Still all systems go at the G end. Me an the Mrs.... Friday cruise down from Bris and Saturday only (unfortunately). Heading back to Bris early Sunday.... something about the mother in law  :drool: .

Lumpy - where is the Ultimate pump in Maclean? Is that the new BP servo in River street down toward the fish co-op :sick: ? Or is it the one out on the highway 3 k's south?

PS - if you knew the quality control on standard unleaded, and the QC on Ultimate, you'd all be using it. Say no more  :fool: . Besides, mine won't run on anything but......

PPSS - anyone going to the Winternationals next weekend, call in and say hullo at the Moonshine Bandit's (Studebaker Racing Team) tent (Robin Judd - top doorslammer). Having a 3 day break packing the chutes.  :blush:

Ahhh, inlaws..cant live with em....cant live...errr...well..Be good to see ya anyway :laughing:

The BP with the Ultimate pumps is the one just south of Ferry park there on the highway. :drool:


Lumpy :spoton:

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Me and lumpy had a mini cruise on sunday north from the river....

If that was anything to go by, the weekend after next is going to be a pearla.....

lumpy --- your a legend ./.........

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  • Team Grandpa Qualified
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me thinks lumpy's still drooling over our gallery from yesterady's cruise!! (yes folks - the gallery is open for business go to......


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  • Iconoclast
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Lumpy likes his T's...

I even heard him comment that HgAg was a nice colour.....

He was entirely in his obseesion then...

Everyone already knows that HgAg is the colour of discerning owners... You don't need to tell them..........

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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me thinks lumpy's still drooling over our gallery from yesterady's cruise!! (yes folks - the gallery is open for business go to......


Why You :nono::spoton::nono: JohnnyG

How DARE you post images of the sacred Webbers :spoton: Mmmmmm E/49'y :drool:


Lumpy :spoton:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Lumpy likes his T's...

I even heard him comment that HgAg was a nice colour.....

He was entirely in his obseesion then...

Everyone already knows that HgAg is the colour of discerning owners... You don't need to tell them..........

Hey Blonk,

Great to meet ya yesterday :spoton:

So much for 'Takin it Easy'...lol...I saw you up ahead...somewhere :nono:

HgAg IS a bloody nice colour :spoton:

Lumpy :spoton:

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Yes Lump - this WAS the before shot. After I finished dribbling all over them - they were shiney again.

Once upon a time there was maniac (last name of Crawford) in Lismore - had an unassuming Charger that appeared standard on the outside - but with three of these meanies (with larger choke tubes, mainjets etc), a crazy Waggett cam, ported, polished and matched to a mirror finsh, oversize valves, and a set of extractors that met in the final collector near the diff etc - it just flew and WAS the best sounding six I've ever heard. Nauseatingly nice it was.... :spoton:

Edited by Johnny G
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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Looks like we have another cruiser comiung up from down south way.



You like the old Val's Johnny G? First two cars I 'owned' were Chryslers. One was a CM Regal with more rust than metal but had a healthy 318 and the other way a sky blue Centura with a 245. I had grand plans of a fuel injected 265 and T5 until mum gave, (yes :laughing: GAVE :spoton: ) it away to someone down the road...

Lumpy :crybaby:

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Sydney (and Peter Harvey... Canberra) drivers!

Who is up for the early drive, who is up for the late drive? (with times as preordained by organisers)

C'mon, speak up. I need to know, coz if there's nobody doing the late run, I can probably shifty Friday arvo off and join the early mob.

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