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  • Member For: 21y 2m 7d

Great ride.

I had the pleasure of driving a GT-P while the cluth in the F6 was replaced. I wish I could have one of each. The sound is simply priceless!! The way the car hangs the tail out around corners is really fun ( I hope fpv aren't reading this).

Then I got the Typhoon back and and I like it just as much for different reasons. If money wasn't an issue I would drive the F6 on weekdays and play with the GT on weekends.

The most rewarding thing I found about driving the FPV's are the number of guys in commodores giving me the thumbs up. I know a mate in a STi that cops nothing but flack from the Expensive Daewoo camp.

Anyway, enjoy the ride.

p.s you have to try this at least once...........

find a deserted PRIVATE road.........

slow down to a corner when there is no other traffic and select first gear.....

turn in.........

make sure traction control is off..............

and boot it with opposite lock...........

when the car comes back around from its broadside hold the boot in.......

best fun you can have with clothes on!!!

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 16d
  • Location: Ipswich...along the goat track

great ride you have there. I also love the pics, but I could not help notice that the coolant level looks a bit on the low side in that last pic under the bonnet.

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  • Member For: 21y 8m 27d
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  • Location: Brisbane
great ride you have there.  I also love the pics, but I could not help notice that the coolant level looks a bit on the low side in that last pic under the bonnet.


Thanks mate. Yeah, I thought the same thing. I'll mention it at it's first service.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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  • Member For: 21y 10m 15d
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Great colour mate, welcome to "Team: It's good enough for the master's F6, it's good enough for us". Lol. :laughing:

Absolutley fantastic colour, isn't it. Wait 'till you polish it for the 1st time. I just knew a Mandarin GT would indeed look top knotch.


Reply to a comment said earlier in the thread: Strange, when I was looking at ordering a new MK II XR6T or XR8 MAGNET Ute, Mandarin was still an option, wasn't that long ago, just over a month...Hmmm. I asked the question and they said there were no plans to remove the colour, only for the Territory.

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