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You Lot May Hate My New Car, But...


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I can’t keep a secret any longer…:ermm:

I fell victim to a spot of impulse buying the other day.

I was all set to replace my Winter White Dec 2002 XR6T with a Rapid XR6T MkII. But after I optioned it up with Luxury pack, big brakes, five aftermarket 18’s, sports steering wheel. I was up for some big bucks. Most of which I would never see again at trade in time.

As I use the car for work everyday so, much as though I wanted to sell my house to fund an XR to kick Brians arse, I have no use for a car that spends months at a time getting the last thing that broke modified to make it tougher. :bye:

So imagine my delight when I saw a 2004 Typhoon at a Ford dealers April madness runout sale.

I rang my favourite salesman at the sister dealership, to knock a few more bucks off, and that weekend after a quick test drive I had signed on the dotted line for a brand new Lightning Strike F6 with leather on the road for only $3K more than the T was going to cost. :ermm:

I love it, its already got over 1500ks, because I drive it everyday just for the fun of it. I will wait until it gets a few more k’s before I give it a real hard time though.

The reaction this car gets is just amazing. :ermm:

This is not the only F6 in town but it is the only one that seems to be driven daily and the only one I have ever seen, so it also seems to be the only one most other people in town has seen.

Back in Jan 03 I had one of the first XR6T’s in town and the reaction to it was cool too, at almost every set of lights everyone from SS to GTR drivers would wind down their windows to say they liked it and wanted to know what I thought of it. They almost seemed afraid of it, as it was over 6months later before anyone tried to run me at the lights…the fact that it looked like an unmarked tax collectors car probably helps too.

I bloke at work said I was a wa*ker and bought the F6 just to impress folk, but the honest truth was I hadn’t given that a moments thought, I just got it cause I wanted it!

But the Buffoon in takes it to another level. Almost everywhere I go people look at it, schoolboys nearly break thier neck watching as I pass by bus stops, total strangers come up and ask about it, even a friends neighbour out washing his mint condition Dunnydoor came over to have a look at it. He liked the look of it from the wheels to the seats. At Harvey Normans on the weekend BA GT owner walked across the carpark (actually we were both parked miles away on the far side of the car park, far away from everyone else) just to have a look…and to make a smartass comment about the clutch.

So even if you guys don’t like it everyone else sure as hell seems to. :bye:

I will post some better pics when I stop driving it in a few months time….

My wife also tells me that washing a car 3 times in a week and a half borders on obsessive… :w00t2:

And the best part is no more taxi jokes from you b@stards… :bye:


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Looks sweet,Hope you get years of trouble free motoring out of her .Don`t forget to put your wife in her place.Tell her you would wash her 3 times a week if she would let you.if she anything like my wife you got high hopes lol

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Congrats on the purchase. I envy you. I might just do the same when the time comes to change from my T. You are right about the price though, once you add luxo interior, 5 x 18's and brakes you could buy the phoon and mod the bas*ard.

Congrats again and enjoy

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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I won...I Won...

So wheres my prize YCL? :P

Man, they are one nice car and the look sleek in Lightning Strike.

Yummo. Nice Car

Lumpy :ermm:

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  • I see red
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Congratualtions Alex, I drove past the dealer on the weekend and noticed something was missing....

I previously wondered how they were allowed to have it on the lot for sale with the clutch issue officially unresolved (not a payout on you or the car, just a thought).

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  • Lemming No #5
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Beautiful looking car.

and without being a smart arse has your car got the new clutch fix in it or just the temp one?

Ahhh forgot to ask, have u done a burnout in it yet? :ermm:

Edited by V8_FRD
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  • loitering with intent
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Alex , nice ride son :bye: As a former Phoon basher I have seen that most of my aggravation at the power dive late in the rev range can be overcome with some simple mods. I would never be happy with something with less boot than my T as it does go OK, so a modded Phoon is officially on the shopping list, albeit a six speed auto.Well done , and looking forward to a more in depth report once you have a few Ks on board :w00t2::ermm:

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