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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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I've got an infocus one, Screenplay 5700.... just a squidge over 4k though.. can get new for about 5k nowadays, but they were voted best proj in their price range, and better than most costing 2wice as much a couple of years ago and when released were around 12k. Still a damn good pic, very clear and colourfull.

It's a DLP and goes to about 120" from 6m. mine is set at 105" and pik is excellent.

don't skimp on the DVD player if your buying a newie, they make a difference..

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  • Member For: 19y 11m 12d

Ok ill find out the PJ I saw last week. It was a sony and was pretty good. LCD too so no rainbows.


Ring Trevor Lee at Trevor Lee's audio (in kew, Victoria). he is the guy who showed it to us, and I was impressed for the money,....... $3600 btw

I saw it at an in house shoot out with my model PJ an NEC HT1000. the HT won easy so if you can hunt one down get one. but I think the HT1100 the replacement is $5k+

I looked at the infocus 5700 but think the HT1000 won hands down for pic quality and detail. moslty in regards to black detail. regardless of rez.

also, google "AVS forums" for info on PJs

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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  • Member For: 20y 2m 23d
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This the HT1000 in action

digital TV ,.........digital photo


certainly is a nice pic... although I tried to take one just then, and can't find a digi TV station that doesn't have a watermark on it's broadcast... what program was that you watched?? HDTV or SD- DTV?? ta..

I have started a new thread, chek out my setup.. taken a while to get where it is, still a bit to do too..

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 16d

Sharp XV-Z90E or 91E.

Put it up against the Infocus projectors, and you will find it TOTALLY KILLS THEM.

Bought mine for $4k about 18 months ago. Prob a fair bit less now. They may have replaced them with a newer model...worth checking it out if they have as the Z90's were outstanding.

Has to be seen to be believed. A mate of mine saw mine playing on my plain cream coloured wall (not a proper screen) at home and the first words out of his mouth were "Sh1t, I bought the wrong projector".

He had just bought an infocus one.

No matter which you buy, be sure to check it out properly. Make sure you cant see any of the rainbow flashes. If you can and quite often, dont buy that one as it WILL drive you insane after a while. Seeing one every few mins is ok, but any more and you will start to focus on it and wont like it. Be sure to ask them about the screen they are playing it on. When mine was first seen in the shop it "happened" to be playing on an $8000 screen, not something I am likely to use!

If its for home theatre use, be sure to buy one that uses DLP not LCD. They are superior for HT use except in the case of black background (where LCD tend to be a little blacker).

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  • Member For: 19y 11m 12d

certainly is a nice pic... although I tried to take one just then, and can't find a digi TV station that doesn't have a watermark on it's broadcast... what program was that you watched?? HDTV or SD- DTV?? ta..

I have started a new thread, chek out my setup.. taken a while to get where it is, still a bit to do too..


ok that photo was taken by an AVS forum member in the US. I posted it coz it rocks and give a good idea of what the HT does

The photos down the bottom are taken from a DVD at my house,.......on a Kodak 3.2mp digi.

As for the Sharp being a great PJ!,.......yes it is, (nearly bought one myself) but dont forget there are alot of infocus PJ's. To compare your Sharp90 to the Infocus "SCREENPLAY" 5700 well that's just silly.

LCD's are getting better and dont give you any rainbow effects.

DLP's will decrese in rainbow as the color wheel speed gets higher.

Anyone looking at buying a PJ should test out that sony I sugested in my first post.

$3600 not as good as the HT1000 but worth every cent.



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  • Member For: 21y 5m 6d
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Thanks for all the info,

Benn looking at the screenplay 5700 (DLP) or the Hitachi TX100 (LCD). Both get good reviews from home theater dealers. The Hitachi gets rave reviews on PJ central http://www.projectorcentral.com/Hitachi-PJ...UltraVision.htm

At the moment its $2800 including a free spare globe. Going to check them out again this w/e using some favourite DVDs. Have you guys found any particular DVDs that are good to test a PJ?


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