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its ok nomis. Worm doesnt have many friends or get out much. Let him have his keyboard! Im hoping to add yet another dynomite car to the websites top 25 ba/bf list. that's the goal im chasing. Im sure we all have goals. 350rwkw in a manual (no convertor) and nos in a Bseries must be a hard achievement. Nothing like 9/10sec BTRs.

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I agree, Worm the problems with icers car are not related to dyno mites business. I dont give 2 f*cks where you get your car tuned, dont start this tuner bashing sh*t. And I will wait for patience for your answer.

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Owwwwwwwwwwe (sopranos reference)

How is it tuner bashing, worms only going by what *Beep* has said and implied

It isn't the first time, that's for sure

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I said *Beep* is making Dion look incompetent... Dion is a gun tuner...I was at Calder when Shannan ran the 10.4... That car is a f*cking beast! *Beep* comes on here talking his car up and spinning sh*t and ends up making others look like fools. He tried to blame Headsex for his last problems, when clearly it was him! He has blamed auto builders and tuners left, right and center. You'll never hear me say "don't go to Dion @ Dynomites"... Unlike some stuff others have said about other tuners...

I'm sick of people like *Beep* giving me sh*t about lpg, then going off claiming they'll run 10's and have 350+ rwkw... They bag the sh*t out of LPG but have no idea what it's capable of... You want me to sit back and take it? Ummmm no...

I am not going to throw loads of cash at a car to get 400+rwkw... I don't see the point of it in a daily... I am quite happy with my car now...

In regards to the friends thing... And not getting out much... I certainly don't condone street racing... You may think it's cool to get up and show off your 350+rwkw on a Friday or Saturday night, but when you kill yourself or someone else... Was it worth it?

I am keen to see what Bill's car does... However, his original goal to beat Headsex's 10.9 has gone now...

Bullying? LOL this isn't a school playground champ... This is the real world. And I've copped plenty in the past... If you can't stand up for yourself, then I'd suggest you stay away... I am not the one spruking on other forums about how quick my BA is and how I'll get 400rwkw and run 10's... It makes us guys look like dickheads when he is seen as "one of us"... Luckily, his reputation proceeds him!!!

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What does worms job have to do with anything? It's an open forum and I'm sure *Beep* has thicker skin than to get upset over pretty much anything.

Do some of you guys think this is new? Check every forum icers on, it's all the same bullsh*t. Why *Beep* does it who gives a sh*t. People are going to react.

And to be honest, alot of his posts haven't portrayed dyno mite well. Dions BA ute was a weapon. As is duz10. But that's irrelevant. Icers posts about the dyno strapping, headsex etc have led to what he cops now.

Wormy would give the guy a break if he rephrased most of what he said.

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I still LOL every time I think of the thread... "has anyone got a dyno that can strap down a 350rwkw MONSTER?"

Yet dynomite managed to tune Shannans 10.40 second car? Tipping it makes more than 350???

Threads like this make your tuner look incompetent...

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Plus if there really was a problem with worms post to *Beep* I'm sure he'll report it if he takes it to heart.. Every post has a report button for a reason

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