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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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Night turned to sh*t when a mate put his s14 into a tree on the Prin. Thank f*ck they were ok but the car is rooted. Be carefull out there guys.

what time was that? it got fair slippery out there. turned to :buttrock:

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Night turned to sh*t when a mate put his s14 into a tree on the Prin. Thank f*ck they were ok but the car is rooted. Be carefull out there guys.

Saw that. Twas a nice car too! He must have been doing something silly :icon_ford:

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Was bout midnight and wasn't wet yet.The owner was passenger as he doesn't have a license. His mate was driving and apparantely they got cut off and when he went to swerve hit the gas and boom. All I saw was his headlights pointing right and heading for the medium strip in my rear view. People behind saw the other car which didnt stop and said the s14 swerved and took off right.Lucky it hit the tree and didn't fly over into oncoming traffic. Was a very tight car and when it comes on boost it hits hard so the owner is very careful. Maybe his mate just didn't know the car I guess. Poor blokes devastated as he loved that car and was more careful than me. Just shows how quick it can happen too.

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Damn, matty, sh*t luck for your mates atm ay.

Think we saw you on prinny, we were at the kebab joint, you drove by, your car alone, then did a uturn 2 mins later, was about 1am.

What exhaust do you have? nice and quiet when cruising.

night was good from 10-12, then the rain came

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  • Member For: 14y 7m 5d
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Was bout midnight and wasn't wet yet.The owner was passenger as he doesn't have a license. His mate was driving and apparantely they got cut off and when he went to swerve hit the gas and boom. All I saw was his headlights pointing right and heading for the medium strip in my rear view. People behind saw the other car which didnt stop and said the s14 swerved and took off right.Lucky it hit the tree and didn't fly over into oncoming traffic. Was a very tight car and when it comes on boost it hits hard so the owner is very careful. Maybe his mate just didn't know the car I guess. Poor blokes devastated as he loved that car and was more careful than me. Just shows how quick it can happen too.

no good man! that sucks .. owner must be shatterd I know I would be, and yeh as kvbaby said pretty sure we saw you on prinny.. what time u call it a night ?

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Yeah kvbaby,dont be my mate hahaha. The owner of the RLQUIK mobile is still in the Alfred in bad shape,its been a month. The original owner Christian sold it to another bloke who used to work with us. Atleast in this one the driver etc were ok I guess.

I suppose they are the risks people take when deciding whether to put the foot down or not cos it can happen at anytime.

Yeah that would of been me,I was doing my usuall 70kmh,just putting along.. After doing that U turn we headed to North rd then home. Got to Chelsea Heights bout 2.

I have the Nizpro 4inch system on mine. Its been really good for the past year,with no problems whatsoever. Dont know what it sounds like on the outside but its got a good note with the boot in,when I watched it on the Calder video.

Yeah j.d,owner is pretty shattered. He spent a fair bit of coin on it and it was a great car all round. Dont know whos paying for it as he had no insurance and he wasnt driving. Hate to be his mate....would feel pretty sick.

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