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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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so you where all banging on about how awesome fb was and now you all leave?

cant be that good afterall.

welcome back to the forum you whores.

as for hook turns, whats not to understand?

I spent 2 days walking around in melb last month, easy as to understand,

drive into the intersection, wait for the light, go.

pretty simple I thought.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Holy crap.. f*cking Hook Turns..

Never driven one. Probably never will.. But when Brisbane gets one I'll set it on fire..

But seriously..

Couldn't you just drive past them in the through lane and turn left... At the front of the queue?

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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In SA our busses now do hook turns in the CBD ... Most stupid thing ever...

U know how long it takes two double

Busses to go around a set of lights after they're pretty much red... Retards

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  • Sucker
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They're bringing them in for bicycles, that's confusing as fck. Especially because the holding area is in front of the traffic coming from the left (in the middle of the intersection).

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  • I am dissatisfied with my current employment situation
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Holy crap.. f*cking Hook Turns..

Never driven one. Probably never will.. But when Brisbane gets one I'll set it on fire..

But seriously..

Couldn't you just drive past them in the through lane and turn left... At the front of the queue?

Impossible unless you drive up onto the footpath, then the other lane will be blocking you to get back onto the road
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