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Jack which car did you go for a ride in to convince you to go stage 1 :spoton:


He's got you there Jack....

Mind you though deek SCRIBR's almost young enough to be your grandson (or mine for that matter....) :kiss: so be prepared for some more ribbing.... :w00t2:

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Jack which car did you go for a ride in to convince you to go stage 1 :roflmbo:

:spoton: :spoton:

He's got you there Jack....

Mind you though deek SCRIBR's almost young enough to be your grandson (or mine for that matter....) :blush: so be prepared for some more ribbing.... :pinch:

Piss off Dag's I'm only 42!!!!

At the moment I'm putting up with both my daughters boyfriends one is into

sh*t boxes oops I mean Commodores! and the others into Dance!!! :roflmbo:

So to get to talk to a young about Xr's would be a pleasure :3gears:

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Jack which car did you go for a ride in to convince you to go stage 1 :nono:


He's got you there Jack....

Mind you though deek SCRIBR's almost young enough to be your grandson (or mine for that matter....) :blush: so be prepared for some more ribbing...

Piss off Dag's I'm only 42!!!!

At the moment I'm putting up with both my daughters boyfriends one is into

sh*t boxes oops I mean Commodores! and the others into Dance!!! :roflmbo:

Bloody Sh!tadores ... she has no taste in fellas! Well how about I come around Pops and show her what a real car can do! You wont mind if we 'take our time' on the way home do ya? :roflmbo: Only joking mate..

So have you placed your order on the replacement yet?


Rob... :stirthepot:

Edited by Mr Turbo
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Hi Guys,

Planning to do the Wilsons Prom cruise on 1 April. Is that date and length of cruis okay with you guys? It's a longish cruise, but one Mr Turbo and I have enjoyed in the past.

Plan at this stage is to start off near Bunnings Fountain Gate, Berwick about 9am and head along the Sth Gippsland Highway towards Loch. At Loch, head south towards Wonthaggi for some twisties. From Wonthaggi we'd head to Cape Paterson then go along Bunurong Coastal Road which is reputedly like a mini Great Ocean Road (only without the slower cars) to Inverloch then head towards Wilsons Prom via Twarwin Lower, Waratah Bay. It's about $9.something for a day pass into Wilsons Prom per car. The drive along the road into Wilsons Prom from the park entrance gate is something else - about 30km of bendy bliss (however, it's speed limited to 80km/h).

Late picnic lunch at Tidal River, Wilsons Prom (where you can also buy food if you want) and possibly a group walk around Loo Ern track that follows the Tidal River fresh water estuary into Norman Beach (or you can sit on the beach or rocks and soak up what sun there is). Leave whenever you like. If I go, I plan to leave about 5pm and have dinner at the Fish Creek Hotel 1 hour away. If you do that, it can be a long day - you'd probably get home about 10pm. But you don't have to do that - like I mentioned, you can leave whenever you like. It takes about 3 hours to get back to Melbourne via the highway (rather the route we took in).

I would like to know if anyone is interested (again)? if so, I'll post up a new thread for this cruise.

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I'm very interested Gary.

Put me down as a possible.

I had a great time kicking the footy and playing beach cricket on what was my first ever cruise with XR's all that time ago... 1 year to be exact but it feels like ages ago.

Jack :spoton:

Edited by XR6T8_U
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