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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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I was thinking that would be a good cruise. If you go the old school way there's some good open 2 lane roads and bugger all traffic lights, then we can go to one of the back beaches for some good photos, probably Portsea backbeach. Oh so many women... I mean memories... :beerchug:

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 7d
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  • Location: Melb
yeh danny that sound awsome! arthurs seat, red hill, portsea??????

Last year, we actually ended up in the RYE pier car park.. Usually (not sure when) there is a festival with rides going on to the left of the car park..


but as you can see there is AMPLE car park (although with a cheap parking fee of a couple of bucks for a number of hours). Not sure of the availability of public BBQ's there, I think I do recall something.. But across the main strip there is a number of food places, fish / chips.. But yeah, the idea of bringing a bbq or 2 (anyone got something portable?)

might be the type of meet we get fish n chips on rugs in the park area..

Let me know if there is a interest, and I'll start a new thread..

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 4m 7d
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  • Location: Melb
I was thinking that would be a good cruise. If you go the old school way there's some good open 2 lane roads and bugger all traffic lights, then we can go to one of the back beaches for some good photos, probably Portsea backbeach. Oh so many women... I mean memories... :beerchug:

And yes.. After lunch, we can go get some good photos if anyone knows any good locations that can support the number of vehicles attending!

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  • Location: Dé·jà vu
P.S. It would be good to see at least one Mod come along.
And mods, get off your arses for this one.
and its on the right side of town for a certain Mod to show up.

Deano hasnt been on for a while he probably wont notice this...

Why the fck would you go to Altona... :beerchug:

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