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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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  • Turboless
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Oscars fight. Ben will lift the table up when the girls come out holding up the round numbers haha

Dillz hasn't been on for a couple wks. He living on site? Haha

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Xr6 turbo have an image? What image? They are the next cult vl turbo bro!

Who was it that said a few nights ago that the cops were pulling over every ba and handing them canarys if they had a fmic or modified/cut front bars or some sh*t?

If the mods are so worried abt protecting the image of this site then why don't you's just change the URL to something else then? I mean, it's a xr6 turbo not a farkn Prius forum where we would talk abt fuel economy or some rubbish along those lines.

Well said PSYCO XRT, I was the one who mentioned it the subject as an eye opener to keep each other informed on whats going on at the moment.

Edited by nick d
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This is 100% Henz and Staino's fault who started the *beep* talk! But Vic Chat is for chatting, yeah cannot talk about street racing I can live with that. But if people want to talk $hit go for it as its a laugh. There is 1000s of threads on car talk and problems with them. If people just want to talk about cars 100% farking jump on AFF! Does not worry me in the slightest what people chat about on here as long I get to laugh, some of you on here winging are just so Farking serious. If I need to know what's wrong with my T, will look in the right place and not ask in Vic Chat.

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If it stays like that Italys going home buddy, there all 5 points equal as it stands, italy has the worse goal difference, so Croatia and Spain go through as it stands... Italy has to score 3 goals against Ireland

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Its Funny how in Aus we can not talk about street racing as that puts us in a criminal category of a rapist then we need to deal with a curant afair and sh*t, in Europe its all cool but curse at someones mum and you will get shot. But hangon are you a Drug user in Aus, oh you are ok we will build Injection rooms so you can shoot up and the criminal that races on the street will pay for you to have a place to get high as you sit at home in a home that the tax payers have paid for THIS GOVERNMENT AND THEIR LAWS CAN GO AND GET F****. If the cops are reading this on Monash Freway why is it 80 kmh from Bourke road when clearly even an old bat can do 100 there its so easy to become a hoon I usually have 102 on cruise drive through the 80 zone without realizing or effecting anyone but allways think when I get home will I have a cop waiting for me because someone has reported me for hooning. Then lets get on the Gay topic its a free cuntry but dont offend gays or lezos hangon its not normal you want to be gay or lezo fine keep it to your self but dont put me in a position why I need to explai to my 6 yr old why that's fine when clearly its not .

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  • I <3 Floods
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Cops don't choose speed limits.. They may get consulted about it.. But that's about the limit of their involvement..

Why is it we can go months without anyone mentioning street racing.. Then one guy takes it a bit far.. Gets banned.. Then 80% of you get upset that you can't talk about something that was almost never talked about anyways?

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