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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 22y 22d
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How is someone who street races trying to do the right thing?

I wonder if they broke it down in percentage terms the number of fatalities on the road due to racing and the number of fatalities due to uneducated drivers making mistakes that result in death which of the two would be greater iv got my belief and im sure everyone else on the forum also has thair belief but those facts will never be released as revenue is more important. Vic Roads you should be ashamed colect the money and hand out a licence to people that have never seen a car let alone drove one but hey blame the hoons as that colects more money and we can keep handing out licances to people that simpli dont know how to drive wake up speed doesnt kill in appropriate places its vic roads that does for failing to asses who can handle a car, have comon sense move out of the way and flow with traffic so 130km on a freeway should not kill people.
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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 10m 13d
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Yeah there are too many articles on hoon drivers and not enough on those old fogeys that shouldn't have licences. While we are at it lets add in the stereotypical taxi drivers too who don't know there way around a car let alone the streets of melbourne.

FPVPSI Skaifey tried to bring this up a few years ago on 60 minutes and was almost burnt at the stake. P Platers need better training and new cars that can protect them when they do %#$^ up on the roads

Edited by _Velocity_
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  • Member For: 14y 11m 9d
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I'm going to say a few things.

1 PazZ answer your phone

2 all cars should have a breath tester standard which will eliminate DUI 95%. This includes over 100 death related to alcohol.

3 provide an accessible venue for drag racing in the south east

4 restrict top end speeds.

5 street racing will never stop. But it can be done at a supervised venue. But street rAcing is how the cops get the public support. Like the word "hoon". Hoon covers everything now, but not every act is hooning.

Edited by etrocket
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  • Member For: 17y 7m 7d
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There is no right answer, obviously people shouldn't street race and I think if your doing the wrong thing you should be grown up enough to cop it, but I've been done for being too low and for being too loud (letter in the fkn mail), didn't change a thing passed the height test, exhaust was stock so I obviously passed that. Why did I get pulled over? Cause my car is lowered and has rims. Wasn't doing anything stupid. that's what annoys me..

I got pulled over and fined and lost 1 demerit point for being in the right hand lane for to long WTF lol. I was overtaking a car on the HYW and continued on being in that lane as I was using cruise control and I was going to over take another car that was aprox 500m in front of me. Anyways I took it to court and WON easy the judge even laught it off!!! So that's how board some of those cops are out there and if they want to target someone they will!!!!

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  • Cruise Whore
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Woulnt want to be involved in cutting out dead bodies in wrecks...maybe the VERY dangerous drivers should attend these accidents as a rehabiliation course.

I've been considering asking Rudiger to give us a talk one night - so talk and a meal somewhere about his past experience as a traffic officer - he has written a book called "Road Kill" which is published now :thumbsup:

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  • Member For: 22y 22d
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I got pulled over and fined and lost 1 demerit point for being in the right hand lane for to long WTF lol. I was overtaking a car on the HYW and continued on being in that lane as I was using cruise control and I was going to over take another car that was aprox 500m in front of me. Anyways I took it to court and WON easy the judge even laught it off!!! So that's how board some of those cops are out there and if they want to target someone they will!!!!

You should be in the left as soon as you pass someone, this is why they need split speed limits 100kmh left lane 110kmh right lane at least you can overtake without been parenoid about being over the limit then merge left 100kmh both lanes causes congestion and everyone gets pist.
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 7m 7d
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  • Location: Melbourne

I wonder if they broke it down in percentage terms the number of fatalities on the road due to racing and the number of fatalities due to uneducated drivers making mistakes that result in death which of the two would be greater iv got my belief and im sure everyone else on the forum also has thair belief but those facts will never be released as revenue is more important. Vic Roads you should be ashamed colect the money and hand out a licence to people that have never seen a car let alone drove one but hey blame the hoons as that colects more money and we can keep handing out licances to people that simpli dont know how to drive wake up speed doesnt kill in appropriate places its vic roads that does for failing to asses who can handle a car, have comon sense move out of the way and flow with traffic so 130km on a freeway should not kill people.


So many people come to australia that have never driven a car get there licences easy (most of them cant even speak proper english) and off they go. You cant go from riding a elephant to driving a car all in a few weeks.

that's how vic roads make money get all these gooses out there that have noooooo idea and then fine them cause they have no idea. Fix the fkn roads with all the money you cops get from us!!!

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 7m 7d
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You should be in the left as soon as you pass someone, this is why they need split speed limits 100kmh left lane 110kmh right lane at least you can overtake without been parenoid about being over the limit then merge left 100kmh both lanes causes congestion and everyone gets pist.

True, but I wasnt comfortable in moving in to the next lane as it was pissing down and I had 1 tone of sh#t on the back of my ute. I always once I do overtake someone move over but in this case it just wasnt safe plys there was a truck in the far left lane and I HATE trucks lol dont trust them

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