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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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Very sad day in in Automotive History 14 of the top guys at FPV were retrenched on tuesday leaving Fpv very close to closing its gates !!!! Sadly to say good friends Rod Barret and Leigh Andrew have been let go ,anyone who knows them will be shocked as I was .I heard a few rumours and made one call to confirm it

Pro drive FPV enginerring dept cloes tonight

Posted on the XR & FPV Facebook page. Anyone else heard this?

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  • Cruise Whore
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All the Mods are vigilent about stuff that could bring the site down if authorities deem it has contributed to some illegal activity. We're also here to stop this forum going the way of the kookoos - saw an article in The Age a few weekend ago talking about life on car social websites and how some of them get totally wrecked due to in-fighting and - well - just bullying tactics where members are victimised. I think we ought to be feelin lucky none of that happens here or gets out of hand here - thanks to the Mods (and mean the long standing Mods and Admins - not just the recent blow-in's :roflmbo: ) And above all - I personally don't think Chris gets enough recognition - this forum was started we back when the BA XRs came out and been running strong since there - it's a real credit to Chris that he keeps this site up and running for the benefit of the Ford XR community - so here's a big :beerchug: to Chris CJF077 :thumbsup:

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Spotted Paz in two months...

After a huge cut obviously.

Edited by Dillz
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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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Joke about flat tyre


Something 9.5" something

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  • Turboless
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Very sad day in in Automotive History 14 of the top guys at FPV were retrenched on tuesday leaving Fpv very close to closing its gates !!!! Sadly to say good friends Rod Barret and Leigh Andrew have been let go ,anyone who knows them will be shocked as I was .I heard a few rumours and made one call to confirm it

Pro drive FPV enginerring dept cloes tonight

Posted on the XR & FPV Facebook page. Anyone else heard this?

Interesting...old man hasn't heard a thing about it. Will get him to have a snoop around at work tomorrow and ask some managers..

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saying private road doesnt cut it anymore freaky.... your fukd when adam sees.... I hope adam doesnt see.... hope nobody points it out so adam sees...

I forgot to say your a bitch for bringing that to everyones attention. esp mods

but lawled

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