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What about if you haven't bought a house in those 4years?

Cheers for writing it all out..gots me thinking. Legend :spoton:

You have to hold the account for four years before you can use the money, that's the only negative. You can hold the account until you turn 65 when it will get added to your super if you haven't bought a house by then. There was some taskforce that found the biggest cause of mortgage stress was that people didn't get in the habit of putting money away and not touching it. When you have a mortgage, you have to make regular contributions and you can't go and take out $10K willy nilly cause you feel like a new TV. Too many people were using family gifts to pay the deposit and had no experience in commiting money.

This account effectively 'locks' the money for four years. Once you deposit it, you can't touch it for four years (or 3 or 2 or 1 depending on when you deposit it). If you or your husband/wife buys a house before then, (say you win the lotto even) you must wait till 4 years are up and then make either a bulk repayment against your mortgage (no penalty regardless of if there is normally a penalty from your bank for making extra repayments) or dump it in your super.

So, if you buy a house in years 0 to 3 years 11 months:

  • You must not make further contributions to the account after your house settlement but you will still earn interest
  • You must wait till 4 years are up and then make either a bulk repayment against your mortgage (no penalty regardless of if there is normally a penalty from your bank for making extra repayments) or dump it in your super

If you buy a house after 4 years, the money can either be used as part of your deposit or you can use it to make a lump sum repayment off your mortgage within 12 months of settlement.

No worries, I spent ages trying to work out how it worked. :spoton:

In my instance, I can access the money on 1 July 2014. The reason is because once you have made a payment in a year (even July 1) it counts for the whole financial year's eligibility. So, if you deposit on say 15 June 2012 (I wouldn't try my luck on the last day though of the FY, lol) and then sometime in 2012-2013 that's 2 years. If you deposit on 15 May 2014 and 1 July 2014 that counts as another two years. So you can actually cut the 4 years down to 2 years and 2 days. I figured I'm unlikely to buy a house in the next two years so I'm unlikely to want it for a deposit. I'll have $25,740 + interest (almost $30,000 total) and I can't withdraw it and spend it on cars, etc. :senile: I chose not to deposit more than $5,500 cause the tax difference is negligible compared to a normal savings account so I did the maximum that gets the bonus and left it at that. I deposit my Annual Leave Loading, tax refund and any bonus stuff and that's got it to $5,500 for this financial year.

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Can't give it away, I don't think 33 is asking to much. No point selling it for less.

Have had it sold twice but stuffed around for various reasons.

Pazz go over the westgate...

That big f*ck off bridge in the city before you ask.

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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Cause I don't care how wank factor my suburb is as long as the house is good. I don't spend much time walking round the streets or hanging out at the mall anyway, I'm in the city.

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Should of moved our way Dillz, STH East suburbs are the go and you still would of got a whopper of a place. Plus the Sth East would have the highest concentration of Ts of any area, and close to the secret hwy spot.

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Lol true dillz...sorta though haha. There's some, you just gotta find them.

But dillz did say he's only attempting selling it once more (but which one??) Think he's back on the T wagon, he wants e85 :yes: oh and 400 for under 5k weeeeeeeeeee


avo cooler kit $1100

actuator 15psi $ 170

cutted meow =free

72lb lucas injectors $ 700 ( yes that's what was around back then)

flash unit obviously x3 now $ 550 if your paying more your a looser

p/w surge $950

tuning time well we all know we only pay $400 at max for a tune right?????

19psi in at the start e85 and 129mph everything else was stock ........yes even the exhaust did a 11.3 btw

hummmmmm that's less than 5k , yes avo still sell there kits and yes if u haggle its still 1100 fhuck me I got my nizpro kit for simular money

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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It's a bit off a stretch, not legal and dunno about 400 on stock exhaust with no turbo mods.

I've lived in pretty much every south east suburb there is already. You're right about the t's though, although I did see that blueprint el that's been for sale for ages doesn't look as good in real life.

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