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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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Spotted SSG-02 (Orange F6).... I think its the baby brother of SSG-01 which is a red F6 unmarked pursuit car that has been baiting people on the Princess Hwy. Was sitting behind him on Burke Rd Camberwell which gave me a chance to get a clear look at the lights on the parcel shelf. I guess he tried to bait me as I dont see any other reason he would fry the tyres through the junction...

I didnt risk taking a pic because I would assume he would have been watching me rather closely.

How many of these cars are out there now and what does the SSG stand for?

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Security Services Group. It's a security car dude. And I wouldn't try to get away from it lol :stirthepot:

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Spotted SSG-02 (Orange F6).... I think its the baby brother of SSG-01 which is a red F6 unmarked pursuit car that has been baiting people on the Princess Hwy. Was sitting behind him on Burke Rd Camberwell which gave me a chance to get a clear look at the lights on the parcel shelf. I guess he tried to bait me as I dont see any other reason he would fry the tyres through the junction...

I didnt risk taking a pic because I would assume he would have been watching me rather closely.

How many of these cars are out there now and what does the SSG stand for?


You say he was baiting people.. yet I know for a fact he'd never pull anyone over. WHY?

Because it's NOT a police vehicle, as Headsex just pointed out! :buttrock:

The guy who owns SSG is actually part of a security company.

There was a huge comotion about this on Calaisturbo.com aswell when every person who 'cruises the hwy' threw a fit.

SSG ended up posting up the full story to clear everything up.

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Nah wasn't speaking to you JET, the thread was cleaned up.


Ah k no worries, im thinkin like WTF, how do you know my mate dave that live's in the stick's LOL, must have been stuff that's been moderated before I got on, ah well never mind...

Never knew you had the 20" fake argents on your car I was saying to my mate's im thinking of getting some fake's in 20's, my chromes just hold to much heat and are heavy as all fvck...

Oh plus im sick of cleaning them lol, might get a set of the same for mine sometime in the near future...

Be careful and have a safe and prosperous new year everybody !


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Fair enough glad you could clear it up. Obviosuly the reason I asked in the first place.

As for baiting me, I agree he wasnt a cop then, but I would still assume that's what this person was doing flooring it down Burke Road in the middle of Camberwell when he knew I was behind him. Otherwise he was just being a wanker.

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