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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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I was on the Night rider on my way home from the city, it was about 4:30 in the morning and there were still cars on the HWY... would have been an awsome night..

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  • You are a dead set goose
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Did anyone actually see the stack just after the Eastlink overpass? We couldn't work out what happened?

That white N14 SSS pulsar with an SR20DET was pretty funny, it had some balls

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Some mad drunk *beep* was screaming something about this site at me when I waiting at the lights in the city today. Right in the middle of the crowd at flinders st station. Who was that? You must of drank a f*ckin sh*tload!

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  • Member For: 16y 10m 7d
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Get a job Ghosti! hehehe

Rofl, I've been workin' at a TV production company for the last few years and it actually doesn't pay too badly at all.

I'm literally just a HOPELESS case when it comes to money.

I'm having way too much fun on the weekends when I'm cashed up so when it gets to like Thursday or so the week after, I've got no fuel, no cash and bugger all savings left. :nyaah:

Also sellin' my old Commo ute next week and it needs a few hundred bucks worth of stuff to pass RWC (mainly windscreen).

Lol it's all good, I'll work it out one day... when my mates stop encouraging my bad habits >.<

Edited by Ghosti
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 11m 7d
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  • Location: Sth East Melb
Did anyone actually see the stack just after the Eastlink overpass? We couldn't work out what happened?

That white N14 SSS pulsar with an SR20DET was pretty funny, it had some balls

ohhhh no wayyy haha I saw that car a few times last nite! it actually stacked?? was it into another car or did he lose control?

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