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I'm sorry, but you cannot say because it was tuned at Dynomite it was there fault. Maybe something was wrong with Keith's motor and was only a matter of time. Tuner cannot see inside engine to see what's happening, might not have made any sounds while on dyno.

So if I put a Stainless intake have it tuned at Pitlane, say it blows 5 weeks later I start blaming Ratter tune or Ben's intake? Not the valve spring that collapsed and valve dropped?

Plus DUZ10s was tuned there with no probs, has Keith been back for a check up of the tune? Maybe has not been back on dyno for a while for a recheck of tune? Could be a million things before saying it was Dynomite tuned!

Edited by PAZZOnegger
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I blame dynomite


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It's not that Henz, it's talking $hit about a business before finding out what went wrong. I have a business,Staino has one, your dad has one. Now if people start talking $hit before they actually know what they are talking about is a no good on my book. I'm talking as a business owner now.

Like I told you I need a quote done by you soon, you get the job and say it in 1 year the concrete starts to crack, I start blaming you workmanship even before you have come for a look? People will presume even before not to trust you.

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How do we know Dynomite did not say the same? maybe Tony pushed him to push it?

If I walk into Pitlane and say Mick just go nuts, he says look pazzo it's beyond the limit of the motor, and I say don't worry as I'm paying I know the risks involved then Mick should not be held responsible.

There 3 sides to every story Paulie

Tony side,

Dynomite side,

And the truth side of it. What you have been told might not be the truth.

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Completely agree with all of Pazzo's posts this morning. :blink:

You guys would be singing a very different song if the same thing happened to a car tuned by Mick or Danny for example.

There's a heap of things that can cause this to happen and they don't all point towards bad tuning. It could be anything.

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agree with pazzo BUT tony never went into dynomite saying a want massive power he was only after the 320 330 mark and came out with 350 so that shows me that the car was pushed to its limits. At the end of the day u play u pay some more then others, also when it comes to dynomite I have heard good thing about them but also bad.

things. They have some quick cars coming out of there but even duz10s

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Fkn phones lol what I was trying to say in the last sentance is that when I first spoke to duz10s he told me that every time he takes it out he seems to break something on it. But we cant compare his car to tonys or kieths as that bloke spent a sh*t load of cash on that car and I dont think he even uses it as a daily.

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