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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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  • Turboless
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  • Member For: 14y 2d
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sh*t mate no good..there's a few roundabouts near me where they just fly thru and don't see them turn their head. One nearly cleaned me up the other, glad their brakes worked for their sake :) was tempted to stop at the roundabout and give them a flaming. Moron p platers :banghead:

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  • Member For: 17y 3m 24d
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Oh dude that sucks :(

Yeah tell me about it, it was raining and it was night time...

when was this and are you ok?

Yeah mate im ok, nearly smashed me into the passenger seat and when I flung back smashed my head into the piller / sunvisor area if you know where im talking about, pushed car up onto round about and the car switched off, I tried to restart to get it off the round about and it would just crank but no vroom so I dunno what's happened...

sh*t mate no good..there's a few roundabouts near me where they just fly thru and don't see them turn their head. One nearly cleaned me up the other, glad their brakes worked for their sake :) was tempted to stop at the roundabout and give them a flaming. Moron p platers :banghead:

Yeah was night time, wet and abit foggy, and he said he thought I was going straight so who know's, car's not looking to healthy but, his headlight was just about in the centre of the passenger seat, all's he kept saying was im sorry sir, im sorry sir, musta been cos once I gota outa the car I was hitting the limiter and he knew I was about to beat the blackness outa him....


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  • Member For: 17y 8m 4d
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Not good, lucky your ok, I had family pull in front of me while I was doing 80km/h and t boned them, I seriously thought I was about to die, he ended up being unlicenced and drink driving.

The poor baby in the back seat was only getting held by the mother, and I heard the mum screams with my windows up, just before impact.

Never a good thing to be involved in a accident. You get to realise how fragile your life can be.

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I know I sh*t myself, I was turning right and then proceeded to exit the round about looking straight and then next second I done a head check and boom, smashed me around inside the car a beauty...

If I had a passenger it most likely would have been a fatality or they would be pretty busted up as in broken leg's, pelvis, head trauma etc etc...

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  • Not pregnant
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Holy crap! Glad you're ok. Hope you've gone to a doctor just in case though - apparantly people don't always show the signs of whiplash straight away, so it's good to have it checked out.

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  • Member For: 17y 3m 24d
  • Gender: Male

Holy crap! Glad you're ok. Hope you've gone to a doctor just in case though - apparantly people don't always show the signs of whiplash straight away, so it's good to have it checked out.

Yeah already went to the quack's, had a sore neck the following day and like seat belt burn on my neck also, bit of a lump on right hand side temple forehead region but that's about it, Dr said I was all good just take some nurofen or panadeine forte and rest...

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