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Dole bludgers, hoons and dodgey tradies!! That's like all ACA'd main stories in one night..

I hope one time they pick some people with a brain to represent the Hoons..

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I'd love to hear how "someone with a brain" would answer the questions about hooning?

I doubt Einstein could justify it.

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Nah they pick the biggest drop kicks out just like Sam Newman does on street talk.

Makes for a more interesting story when they can trap someone into saying something out of context then edit it to make them look like they are admitting to drug use, hoon driving, theft or any other illegal activity.

Edited by _Velocity_
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They Started with one "kid" made famous for his crash video, Brett Mercicea, then asked his friends if they would like to come on too.

They didn't pick a sample of idiots by accident though, and there sample would represent 50% of the car scene in my opinion.

These kids may be driving stock and average but still capable of killin each other.

Yes I'm Back.

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I'd love to hear how "someone with a brain" would answer the questions about hooning?

I doubt Einstein could justify it.

I will attempt it Adam and I'm dead set serious, OPEN SANDOWN AS A DRAG STRIP. Most of the streeet racing is in Sth East suburbs, If the council and police want these people of the street a monthly meet at Sandown would work to a degree. The only 2 drag strips are KMs away from us and even further if in Frankston or Pakanham way, for years as far back I remember the people of Sth east have complained, so a group got together and ask to use the straight at Sandown. Now the same people who complain about street racing also complained about having noise at Sandown.

So it's a no win for everyone, and it's been happining for more than 30 years along the Prinny HWY from Bunnings in Dandenong all the way to Chaddy, and is not going to stop. Like I said even having Sandown might help stop it, but not all of it.

Edited by PAZZOnegger
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Having sandown from 5-11 on a Friday would be better than hwy IMO.

But half the people at Calder may be from SE. So that would lead to 1 run a night.

Unless it was run power play style.

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That hardly justifies it Pazzo. I accept that as to why it happens though.

Why do you Melb guys act like drive to the other side of the city is like travelling interstate?

Probably see a replay on the website.

I don't think the people involved matters. It's a behaviour they're talking about. That is the same across the board.

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