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Vic Spotted & Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 17y 4m 5d
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Ohh nice.. Thought you got rid of it,, used to see it abit going through millpark but havnt seen it in ages

Yeah nah still got it and kick about, have removed the plates and wheel's now it look's stock as a rock, bastard was to loud and drawing to much attention, also was sick of people asking me was it actually a Turbo or was it an 8 because of how lumpy it is...

Love the plates JET

Cheer's mate, there going on a Modded TT 6spd Supra next, got some new plates going on my Capri, especially for the Expensive Daewoo fan's ;)

running on empty, great film in it's day, a bit daggy now though.

Yeah was a great movie in it's time, still alot of die hard fan's, but yeah I know what you mean about being daggy nowaday's LOL!!.

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