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In Risk of getting this deleted for advertising, I'll include information that does not cost benefit us.

As for costs mate.. Its can be done quite cheaply if you want.

You can go as simple as getting a gps tracker from ebay, but be very warned... THEY ARE sh*t, and they lock up when you possibly need them the most! More importantly, they are not A-Tick'd, so they are illegal to operate in Australia with any carrier!

They all require a sim card.. Self monitoring will only cost you SMS's.. It is NOT recommended you put a pre-paid in (you may forget to recharge it when you really need it).

Online server reporting will require a sim card with a small amount of data bundled (50mb would be plenty, but must be billed per KB!!)

We supply sim cards with the services we offer.

We've trialed over a dozen various vendor tracker units, and we have found 2 good ones. One is from China, Meitrack MVT380, the setup software is a bitch, but they seem to be quite a reliable unit. Meitrack also sell a cheaper / older unit, the VT300, or VT310, which every other chinese GPS vendor has copied. The Meitrack VT300/310 unit is the original

The other is from Taiwan, and is not really designed for self tracking (it can be) which is the unit we sell as part of our service.

The "Self tracking" unit requires you to phone it, it will hang up your call, and it sms'd you location, obviously difficult to track a moving vehicle.

You can even get a speaker/mic, and be able to call it and speak to the occupants... Imagine how funny that would be.. you could speak "Angry" to them.. Forget the Letter! :)

This unit can be setup to connect to a online server (as per pic above), but there is extra costs involved in that, but is better for tracking a moving vehicle. However using reporting features with this unit sucks.

You can even wire it upto your starter motor to immobilize it.. It will not stop a moving vehicle, But it will stop them starting it again.. There is legal implications to disabling a moving vehicle.

We do have a simple "buddy tracking system" which works similar to apples new "find my buddy" on the iphone.. So you can see where your mates car is .. Or even his Mrs's car ...... LOL!

The unit designed more for fleet management, and works perfectly with online servers, as per the picture above. This solution also gives you the ability to do various different travelling reports which is mainly the service we provide to corporate.

Edited by Headsex
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test out that new intake hey dillz hahaha

Nah it was too hectic I had to take it off.

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  • Pitlane Member
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Thanks for the info Danny, do you have alot of private clients? And does gps tracking give you any insurance benefits?

What's wrong Dillz? Too loud?

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We have a large number of company fleets.

Private car enthusiast isn't our main focus, Infact what we've found is exotic car owners are not interested in it, they would rather a insurance payout if it goes missing..

But we don't say no to it.

There isn't any insurance benefits with Australian insurance companies. But I think this will change soon. Insurance companies in other countries are install gps based systems not for theft recovery, but to view usage patterns, and billing customers as appropriate based on, Frequency of use, as well as maximum speeds etc..

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  • Pitlane Member
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Makes sense, if you have an expensive off the shelf exotic you would be better off with the cash so

You can buy the new model, our cars are more along the lines of built not bought, much more personal.

I never thought of the big brother side of it, that could get scary with insurance in the future!

Could you pm me some pricing if you have time Danny?

Edited by TRA1NR
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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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Could the police supeona (spelling) the logged data as evidence of speeding? Cause that would suck.

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Typically they would not know you have GPS Tracking unless you told them..

Thing is as well, the unit only logs position information every so many minutes, It doesn't do a continual data logging show your exact speeding patterns. It will however report speeding above 100km/h (defined setting)..

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