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  • Location: At the lights!

Whos got the Blue BA XRT ute and the yellow Phoon at Springy?

Just saw Sans graph *Beep*... Your better look out mate lol. :mexicanwave:

Danny was soo impressed that he had to laminate the graph and have it hanging on his display wall in his workshop. lol

yes Sans car is very impressive and would be an absolute monster, watch out *Beep* indeed.

Its definately impressive no doubt abt that as some guys have found out but yet to be proven on the track.. My bro and I recently installed the billet cv's so yeah just wanna boost the thing off the line and see what numbers it can pull. :). Let me know when you wanna head down George, if it wasnt for the rain I wud have taken it down on Saturday..

Awsome power there San..

Thanks champ, congrats on your new found power aswell. :)

Jesus San where did this come from? Lol

You went all quite for a while then BAM! 400 buttrock.gif

Lol, I was always happy with how the car went but my v/springs had weakened so I thought I might aswell spend a little extra and get a bit more grunt out of it.

hahaha,nice work San. You still cruisn round sleeper styles? What have you done to your beast recently to get 400+?

Yeah, still cruisin around sleeper styles mate as its also my daily with the baby seats in the rear. lol

All I have done is upgraded the fuel system as you need to in order to run E85 but apart from that nothing else was touched.

Edited by PSYCHO XRT
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yeah across from southland.

Nice work indeed. how much was it prior e85? Im trying hard to get over 400 with pump fuel....see what happens after the convertor comes back.

What did you change in the fuel system? what size injectors you go? Im prob gonna go the 1000cc's as Dion recons he can tune them well. and what rail or you got a stock rail?

impressive to say the least. taxjob will be hanging to get back in the lead now at springy :P

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  • Member For: 19y 3m
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  • Location: At the lights!

It made 330 on 100 oct prior E85. I jsut abt changed the whole fuel system mate, larger 1000cc injectors, twin 044 pumps, process west dual feed rail, custom surge tank/fittings, larger diameter lines and small bits like fuel reg, filter and check valve.

Your not wrong abt Justin, he will be back quicker than ever so watch out mate the Springy boyz will be out in force. :) haha

Edited by PSYCHO XRT
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Never mind the power that San's car puts down on a dyno, check out the torque graph. If it's anything like the 330rwkw one was, it'll be a tabletop of terror. Torque everywhere will give you speed on the road, not a fuken number *cough*

You should get you an easy high 10 with some good weather and some strip driving skills San :buttrock:

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