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Would You Buy A 't' Again?

Phoon Hoon

I have read a many posts bagging Ford and the T. Now it's hit the mainstream press. I want to know: would you buy a T again?  

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I have an October '03 build "T" and yep, she's got a few niggles. But so did my '99 VT 5.0L SS, and my '88 TN Magna (yeah, yeah, hangs head in shame!!). ask the 5 Series BMW owners from a few years back about how happy they were with their rides!! All cars are built down to a cost.

However.......... In the big scheme of things, where else in Australia (apart from Holden) can you get a 240kw (claimed) RWD vehicle for $45k, that comfortably seats 5 and soaks up the distance of the Australian Highways so well??

I'm already planning my next "T", a runout out MkIII, 6 speed auto, around Early '07 (yep two years away). Should be very cheap and huge bang for your bucks!!

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Well this is the third XR we have ever had. First one was a lemon as it was unreliable breaking down at the drop of a hat. Upon lots of complaints to Ford Aust in Melbourne in writing they offered us the EF for a small change over price which we jumped at and 100Kkms later, we are still happy with it. Now that's Customer Service :w00t:

Then we bought a MkI and after 2000kms we heard clunking noises. We were told that it was due to the bushes but they couldnt fix it as they needed to order parts. We rang up Ford Customer Service to ask if they had problems with bushes and was told not really. Took the car back in to get fixed and was told AFTER it was "fixed" by the service dept that Ford have now recognised it being a problem and they will get parts in the following week so they could fix it.

So please explain why they didnt tell us before the car went in to the dealer, or when we arrived there?? Or why didnt Customer Service guy say anything.

It will be the forth visit to the dealer and they are over 30kms from where we live but we have always liked the service dept there from when we had problems with the lemon. Once our EF XR6 was making noises and we were told that it was the timing chain and the clutch needed to be replaced. We took it elsewhere, non Ford, and they said the engine was low on oil and they couldnt find the fault with the clutch. Never going back to that Ford service dept again!! :sick: And from our experience with the lemon, most of them have :glad: whats wrong.

Other than that the car is great. Would we buy another? :glad: Lets see if we have to go back again soon for warranty issues after the bushes are fixed. If so, maybe not. Otherwise sure :spoton:

Hope they dont touch the turbo as read in the Sunday paper last weekend. Then we will be really unimpressed. After all, it wont be the same car that we bought if the turbo has been altered. Legally can they do that without owners approval?

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Love the car. Very disappointed with the service I have recieved from the car dealer in regard to warranty repairs.

Not sure If I would buy one again. Might go the V8 route next time


Better make sure it is not a Ford then :msm: Can just picture you behind the wheel of a Unichip Enhanced SS :spoton::msm:

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phew I must be blessed - had my mk1 manual for 12 months nearly and have yet to have any problem at all (touching wood).

and I can assure you I drive it look it should be driven - FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep id get another for sure

Edited by XR6T-riffic
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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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Love the car. Very disappointed with the service I have recieved from the car dealer in regard to warranty repairs.

Not sure If I would buy one again. Might go the V8 route next time


Better make sure it is not a Ford then :blink: Can just picture you behind the wheel of a Unichip Enhanced SS :spit::spit:


He would fit right in at Ls1.com :spit::spit:

Dont think I would buy another T again on my 2nd think I would try something different :spit:

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Love the car. Very disappointed with the service I have recieved from the car dealer in regard to warranty repairs.

Not sure If I would buy one again. Might go the V8 route next time

Better make sure it is not a Ford then :spit: Can just picture you behind the wheel of a Unichip Enhanced SS :blink::spit:

Mate I rode in a ls1 ute when they had the unichip TTLS1 day at autotoech. 411rwkw on stock internals :spit:

Build quality of the cabin was worse than the ford though. Maybe a Clubby.

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NT is right.

Ford service is a joke up here, try getting booked in without one months prior notice. Then try getting stuff replaced: things like thermostat o - rings, heater hoses, oil filters, brake pads, all need to be ordered in, you then need to wait another month before they replace them. When you DO get a service, take your toolkit along so that you can tighten all the nuts,bolts and screws that they leave loose.

Yes I'd buy a Ford again. No I wouldn't from a Darwin dealer. I hear the lesb1ans in Katherine run a tidy Ford dealership....

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A few things I cant comprehend here these cars are not $16000 korean bits of :blush: so why is it that ppl are defending them saying that of course u will have probs there cheep performance cars, (cheep :spoton: )

Maybe im different but a $42k performance ute that the turbos not hooked up on or the shudder in the steering or the clunk in the power windows that is within factory specification (hello ford how the *beep* can a clunk be within specification)

or the coments that the problem is no worse that any other ba what a heap of :msm: and as for the dealers they are mostly the same because ford HQ have our hard earned cash and couldnt care less.

Not all manufacturers are the same japanese vehicles are generaly 10 times better than aussie cars imo Expensive Daewoo is just as bad as ford so that's no help.

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When it comes time to change over my 'T', I will look at the European cars. I'm sick of the 'shhh' 'shhh' handbrake and the clunking drivetrain. Whether or not I buy another is a decision I will make at the time, but the fact that 27% of people (who have taken the poll) apparently feel as I do should be a bit of a concern to Ford Marketing.

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