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Side Airbags


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Thanks Bundoora.

The photo makes it all clear. Seems as though the dealer forgot to order the airbags. Looks like another battle.

I still can't understand how they can stuff two orders up. The first was colour, now the second is airbags.


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Thanks Bundoora.

The photo makes it all clear.  Seems as though the dealer forgot to order the airbags.  Looks like another battle.

I still can't understand how they can stuff two orders up.  The first was colour, now the second is airbags.


unbefcukenbelievable....... Hope your going to demand to get your airbags and then something for the inconvenience??

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Only problem is side airbags arefactory fitted.

You will need a newcar as they cannot be retro fitted

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The quickest way is to get a hammer. Belt the sides of the seats a few times. If they explode, and costs thousands to fix, then you have side airbags fitted...

But seriously, the tag should be there. I note from the photo that there IS a sticker on the side of the door, warning about the airbags fitted.

Take it to a different Ford service place (not one connected to where you bought it) and tell them you are concerned about safety and if they can tell you if they are fitted or not. They should be able to tell you in seconds. The airbags also have wires connecting them to other parts of the car so they are triggered when they should be.

The reason I say take it to a different dealer is that its theoretically possible a dodgy person at a delaer could swap your airbag seats with non-airbag seats in a different car (like a mates car), hoping you wouldnt notice.

The sticker on the door indicated to me that the factory thought that airbags were fitted. It could also be a factory stuffup but I doubt it in this case.

Either way, do not accept anything except written confirmation they are indeed fitted. If they arent, book you car in and demand new seats with airbags fitted straight away. (Should be able to be ordered, delivered and fitted in a day I imagine). Dont compromise your safety to get a little refund from the factory. Side airbags are a good idea.

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