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Pulled Over For Fog Lamps On...

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Simple test to take, if you have your sunglasses on, your fog lights should be off. Period.

And as far as I am aware they are fine to be on at night, as long as its not in a built up area.

Proceed with caution.

Well said! I'd agree with that :spoton:

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I'm in Perth and have been pulled over twice in 2 months (no I didn't learn or want to learn from the first time). Must be a police blitz on it here. Both times at night (I don't drive with them on in the daytime) one in freo and one in the country. Both times were warnings.

The country coppers were good value though, after warning me "its either normal headlights or parkers and foggies, but not both" they proceeded to praise the car, both saying they loved the turbo falcon, looks awesome, "is rool torquey and just goes", and telling me how good the BA falcon is overall, and then one of the cops tells me he's actually a Expensive Daewoo man. Sounded like a lot of Expensive Daewoo envy there, so when you get pulled over boys and girls, who knows they may just be using it as an excuse to drool over your car

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A little off topic but still good.

Here is an interesting read on foggies. It's only a short read.

Apparently they are only yellow because that was the color they chose back then. Much the same as the first traffic lights was red/green/white. Cause that's what they chose. Albeit being changed cause the "go" light was the same color as the street lights.

Imagine if they chose red and you had these things coming at you  :angry:----:angry: AT NIGHT!




I disagree with what you wrote about yellow. Yellow light has certain characteristics that make it one of the last wavelengths to be filtered out by water. Using a yellow light in fog (which is made of tiny water droplets) means you can see further and it is viewable from further away.

One of the worst you can use is red, as red is filtered out very quickly. Sure you can use white, but the result is that after varying distances different frequencies are filtered out..leaving you with yellow as the last remaining colour that's visible.

Ask anyone who scuba dives about how quickly red disappears (you cant see it at all below a few metres, it turns a greyish colour). Yellow however is still yellow to at least 60m. (I havent been deeper than that).

Yellow is there for a reason, and its because it works best in foggy conditions.

Edited by mickq
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I think that BLUE light is the last colour of the visable spectrum to be filtered out by Water. If I remember my diving, everything is Blue under about 15m.

I think the spectrum has Red/Orange/Yellow at one end and Blue at the other.....but I could be wrong :nono:

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Guest FatBAt
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A little off topic but still good.

Here is an interesting read on foggies. It's only a short read.

Apparently they are only yellow because that was the color they chose back then. Much the same as the first traffic lights was red/green/white. Cause that's what they chose. Albeit being changed cause the "go" light was the same color as the street lights.

Imagine if they chose red and you had these things coming at you  :angry:----:angry: AT NIGHT!




I disagree with what you wrote about yellow. Yellow light has certain characteristics that make it one of the last wavelengths to be filtered out by water. Using a yellow light in fog (which is made of tiny water droplets) means you can see further and it is viewable from further away.

One of the worst you can use is red, as red is filtered out very quickly. Sure you can use white, but the result is that after varying distances different frequencies are filtered out..leaving you with yellow as the last remaining colour that's visible.

Ask anyone who scuba dives about how quickly red disappears (you cant see it at all below a few metres, it turns a greyish colour). Yellow however is still yellow to at least 60m. (I havent been deeper than that).

Yellow is there for a reason, and its because it works best in foggy conditions.


We all know NOW that red would be an idiotic color to use as driving/fog lights. I said this tongue in cheek. They started using yellow 60 odd years ago.

Yellow IS there for a reason. Cause it IS better than white. But it is NO WHERE NEAR as good as blue.

If we need to get technical, the last visible light we mere mortals can see is violet. So in reality, violet would be the best color for driving/fog lights. IMO and correct me if wrong.

Hence crystal vision and diamond vision headlights being blueish. Philips just didn't pick that color cause it looks sexy. I run crystal vision and they are AWESOME over the standard (yellowish) lights. See further and clearer.

Gee I was only kidding mick about the red angry :angry: :angry: lights.


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Cops in WA are on a fog light rampage.

I know two people who've been done recently.

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Seriously, is this the best thing cops can think of to do with their time?

How's this, Saturday night was in town and saw a cop car doing laps with their foggies on.....

What the?

How can they justify pulling you over for f%$ks sake and they do it too.

Sorry, I just hate a hypocritical system.....

Regardless of it being right or wrong, they cruise round with these ligths on too. then they turn around and threathen you with a fine!?!

Anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?

It's not the cops I'm :laughing: annoyed at, it's the system cause you hear of this sort of thing all the time.

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