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Pulled Over For Fog Lamps On...

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  • Member For: 20y 10m 21d
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...I thought they were called driving lights...
No, they are Fog Lights. Have a look at the Ford Australia Website where it states as much.
...fog lights are yellow and usually alot brighter...
Once again in the Queensland Legislation it states that

(5) A front fog light must—

(a) when on—

(I) project white or yellow light in front of the vehicle; and

(ii) be a low-beam light; and

(b) be able to be operated independently of any headlight

...that's one of the PDF's saved on my computer. Although it may seem "nerdy" I have a fairly good knowledge of the legislation and it has saved me several times from getting tickets...
It never hurts to know the rules, that way you know just how far you can bend 'em. It's great to see the smug look on a coppers face dissapear when you quote back to him exactly what the legislation says, then get a 'don't let me catch you doing it again' instead of a ticket.

Nope, not "nerdy" at all.


I know I've got too much time on my hands to research this stuff, boring night shift :spoton:

Edited by Panda
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  • Colossal Member
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It all depends on the cop. The first time I was EVER told about the relatively new law about having fog lights on was when a cop pulled me over and fined me 100 bucks and three demerit points. No warning, no second chance... just a big old slap in the face.

I have driven past heaps of cops with my fog lights on and none of them take a second glance. They can get you however if they want to be assholes (you are allowed one set of driving lights on the front of your car... unless there's fog etc). Tricky game to play. If I go into an area where I know there will be cops around I make sure they are off.

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Guest FatBAt
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A little off topic but still good.

Here is an interesting read on foggies. It's only a short read.

Apparently they are only yellow because that was the color they chose back then. Much the same as the first traffic lights was red/green/white. Cause that's what they chose. Albeit being changed cause the "go" light was the same color as the street lights.

Imagine if they chose red and you had these things coming at you :angry:----:angry: AT NIGHT!



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  • Member For: 21y 11m 16d
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Should of thrown the book at ya, driving lights are for fags

Scotty aka hatesdriverswhouselowerlightsinclearweatherastheythinktheylookcoolWRONG

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  • In Your Face
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you know the funny thing!! Here in Vic, when we cruise, we all have our 'foglights' on during the day. Would the police pull all of us over??  :spoton:  :gooff:

Not a law in my books  :spoton:


That's because they wouldn't dare do it :gooff:

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Guest FatBAt
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Should of thrown the book at ya, driving lights are for fags

Scotty aka hatesdriverswhouselowerlightsinclearweatherastheythinktheylookcoolWRONG


stop mincing yer words....what do you mean :gooff:

but :spoton:


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  • Member For: 21y 8m 14d
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Simple test to take, if you have your sunglasses on, your fog lights should be off. Period.

And as far as I am aware they are fine to be on at night, as long as its not in a built up area.

Proceed with caution.

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